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Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida
Been in southern Ga. Lately roads are nice traffic is lite ...and really having a blast aimlessly riding around...seems things elsewhere is not good riding weather...sheesh I need front tire soon and brake pads ...the hooch bike is really fun ...im not easy to impress ..did some hard throttle pulls at times ...hooch really pulls the wheel up in second gear ....what a thrill that is ..especially with the 1200 road gears it has...im begining to see the better i get this bike running how poor most bikes run...even new ones....there is no telling how fast the hooch bike is ....a 100mph happens in three gears and is pretty much where i stop ....but ut goes there quick and has nofade or bad spots at all ...but mostly i just put around in fifth gear ...and then get amazed by the fact it will run flawless down to 1100rpm ....and pull away with with no problems ....so i feel very pleased with the bike and any ride seems great ....i feel very grateful to the man who taught me when i was a teen ager...how to learn how to accomplish anything i wabted to do....this bike i ride is a tribute to the man that molded my ways......i thought about that alot today while r7ding as where im at is where he was raised up in the roaring 20s
i really dont mean tosound fatheaded.....but it hard to say how much you enjoy something you work on to a very high level......the hooch bike is just flat out fun to ride......lately the car im driving is a 2015...eco booste fusion ....it a nice car big time......but it is not dail in as nice as hooch is ....and it is total computer controled with turbo too....but it hss spots whete it is not as good ss others ....hooch has nonr of that...so im quite pleased how a carb can be dial in to run with the tech induction of today and best it....

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