Budget touring build

Classic Goldwings

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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=190676#p190676:ztlm0aqx said:
bib » Today, 5:25 pm[/url]":ztlm0aqx]
The three yellow wires! check the plug near the battery where the yellow wires from the stator connect... If there is any evidence of melting or corrosion cut the plug out and solder the wires directly.

To expand on this check the wires where the plug in the rear case is. Mine were not pretty when I had a good look.
stator wires.jpg

Rednax let me know if you need any advice on Australia I could probably give you some pointers on that heading home at the end of the year and at this stage planning on taking the wing too!
Will check these wires I have some electrical cleaning up todo anyway looks like the previous owner added some dodgy wiring. I've also noticed a few wires that have either rubbed through or are getting exposed near the plug end. I have been busy at work and haven't had much time to get the parts list sorted as of yet that's my number one priority so I can get her riding then fix the smaller stuff during week ride weekends
Talked to a friend of mine who years ago toured after he retired from the Navy and he also worked on HDs for a living as well. Even though he worked on and rode HDs he was an advocate that the metrics were much better touring bikes.

His philosophy is to make the bike safe for the road, tires, brakes and immediate issues. After this, small work packages so that you can do work then ride, do work then ride.

Will take you up on info regarding Australia. Never got there when I was in the Navy, only regret I have from my time in.

So checked the stator wires looks like plug is gone but I'll have to check how they connected the wires as there is some pretty dodgy crimp connections on the rest of the bike! So I've pretty much decided on the progressive suspension upgrade I just have a question regarding the front i need new seals and oil springs etc is there anything else I should replace while I'm poking around in there
Some progress today as I only had to work half shifts this weekend removed air suspension hoses and rear shocks back break caliper and rear wheel had a play with coke and aluminum foil treatment for exhaust got some comparisons shots
and after
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=190800#p190800:312wjuj1 said:
Aussiejohn » Sun May 21, 2017 1:41 pm[/url]":312wjuj1]
Some progress today as I only had to work half shifts this weekend removed air suspension hoses and rear shocks back break caliper and rear wheel had a play with coke and aluminum foil treatment for exhaust got some comparisons shots
and after
Sorry for the lack of post I've been working my ass off, on the plus more money for motorcycle trips.
Ok guys I've decided to ditch the standard air shocks and go with progressive rears 4124226c there the heavy duty for two up and luggage I can get the rear shocks and progressive springs and seals from a local shop for cheaper than online! I don't mind supporting local small businesses we had one in Aus so I know what that's like my question however is they have quoted an extra 150 in labor if I drop the front shocks down they will rebuild them. Firstly is this reasonable keep in mind I'm on a working visa and have limited tools but can be quite creative, I have not searched extensively do I need any special tools etc or parts other than the springs oil and seals?
If forks seem good and no leaks. My choice would be to just change the oil and the springs. New progressive springs up front to match the new rear shocks should give you the performance you seek.
Is it $150.00 plus parts for the front forks? That price is not bad. Is this plus parts such as seals? I would have the seals and bushings done if you are keeping the bike. This way in 2 years you will only have to drain and refill with new fork oil.

Just a thought.
Unfortunately both seals are leaking so not tearing into them is not an option. I figure while there off I might as well do everything for reliability and much needed improvement in ride quality. I know she is not a lean mean sports bike but she could use some help in the suspension department I'd say the originals are a bit tired
Have Race Tech springs and Progressive shocks (non-air) on rear. Sitting in Naskup right now, small 4 day tour round BC interior two up, nice comfortable ride so far.

Had a shop in Abbotsford do the suspension and worth it.

You should be able to do your own if you have time, but since you are heading back to Oz, having a bit of warranty before you go may be good.


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