Well shit (tribute to Dusterdude’s eloquent vocabulary) – it’s philosophy time.
It’s like being in school during your teen years and studying history, why, because the curriculum made you. Never liked history in school, but find it fascinating today. The missing link IMO was context, you had no life experiences to relate the course to.
I treat my car as if I was in school, I open the door, key in, start engine, put it in “D” for “ditch” and go. Could not care less about the workings as long as it does, and the final course grade for doing just this is, of course, 100 percent – I passed.
My thread(s) on fuel injection, modifications to the motorcycle and such are exactly the same with a slight twist, I have and so do the readers, life and work skills that allow us to better understand and do the work.
My ’85 1200 GW FI Model is my school and school project. I want to know how things work. Think about the Roman aqueducts and those regal archways supporting the structure. Why are they at a specific height, easy to explain, if the arches were higher, they would collapse – trial and error. Good engineering practice back in the day.
This is similar to the various posts I have made regarding engine ignition timing, fuel system requirements, coil upgrade/replacement, fuel injectors, carburetor fuel jetting, and such. We are great backyard engineers and tend to second guess the engineers that designed the various systems. We swap out various components because “it works”, not because we took the time to experiment and produce some empirical data that would justify a specific change (some people do) – coils are a good example.
Coil dwell times are critical to the operation of an engine. Internal coil design, wire size specifically, impacts on the coil operation. The time required to “fully charge” a coil before the coil charge is released through the spark plug is key to the operation of the engine. Too little coil dwell time, weak spark. Too much dwell time, coil failure and burnout.
Reminds me of the days when we spent inordinate amounts of our cash to “soup” up our cars, turn them into “sleepers”, so that we could emulate those cars that did burnouts at the track – we used local roads. Road racing without the nicety of spotters looking for the local gendarme. Did we spend any time researching the requirement, getting the correct replacement part(s) for the mod, I submit most of us did not. Old school backyard seat-of-the-pants engineering, but it worked.
Fast forward to today. Not much has changed since those heady days of our youth (speaking for us old guys). We do and did modifications, parts exchange because what we are looking for has or does work with no detrimental effects.
Now for the kicker, do you want better, not just good enough? The only way to make this happen, is to modernize your ride involving a makeover of the fuel and engine ignition timing systems.
You will not get more HP from this – maybe but don’t expect too much, but you will get better engine operating performance and fuel economy. You will need to go back to the school of hard knocks to learn about the new systems available, component interaction, how the outside environment contributes to a new installation, how your modernization affects the engine to name a few.
Philosophically, this can be mind bending. There is so much information available, opinion are never ending. You have to sift through this and take from it what you need and understand. It’s like in school, a person who finished a course with a 90 percent average should have acquired a better understanding of the subject than a person with a 70 percent average, not always the case but you would think so. I have never seen a diploma, certificate, degree with a course percentage on it. After the fact, we are all equals, right?
Philosophy aside, if you like this story and it is a story, continue following – I appreciate it. This story is my opinion and understanding of the topic, nothing more – nothing less.
A thread like this is similar to the news. You have to watch various networks to get a good picture of what is really happening. Watching one and only one does not present enough information for you to make a very informed decision on the issue. Discussions over coffee will help as well, a different perspective. My web browser bookmarks is full of various on-line sites regarding different articles that have been helpful in putting a thread like mine together.
Where to from here? Review of thread information, choose the next logical topic, and continue.
Thanks for reading.