Alternator Rotor measurements?

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
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1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
Anyone happen to have an 1100 rotor laying around, or an engine with the rear cover removed that could get me these measurements? Diameter(width) and depth? I need to know so I'll have an idea of what puller set-up I need to take home when I get ready to replace the starter clutch crap on The Turd. tia!

"Shouldn't" being the operative word here...😁 Better to have and not need than need and not have. I was hoping it would slide off easily, but all manuals say to use a puller. We shall see! Thanks! (y)
When I pulled my '81 engine apart back in the day to find what all the "knocking" was about, the rotor came off pretty easy once the bolt was removed. It is a splined shaft.

81_Engine 009.jpg
When you have it out and before installation thoroughly clean the sprague clutch rollers and springs and openings where they fit. They tend to stick after a while from sludge and moisture residue build-up. Approx $100 for new (recommended). Saves removing the motor again to do this. My experience.
I have new rollers and stuff here, along with a new sprocket. Hopefully that's all I'll need. Less than $50 for all.