Bike Rental in Italy - can anyone help?

Classic Goldwings

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May 2, 2010
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Lethbridge, Alberta
Hey folks: My gf and I are headed to Rome, Italy in July and we both ride at
home and we're hoping to find a couple of bikes to rent (or beg, borrow or
[temporarily] steal :) ) for two weeks so we can tour the countryside before a
tour that we've purchased takes us further north for another two weeks.

Would anyone on the list know of a reliable company in Rome through which we
might procure a couple of Bikes for a reasonable price? We've searched online
and found the pricing rather steep (that's putting it mildly!!!) so we're hoping
somebody can help us.

If you can, please provide contact information.

As a thought, would you folks be surprised to learn that for one bike for two
weeks we're looking at about $3000 US? (we just don't have $6000 for the
endeavour :( ).

Thanks for any and all advice!


Dic (& Ellen, who rides a Ducati ST2 - I haven't been around of late because I've been riding an '07 VTX 1800 R - the GL1100 awaits some carb work and new rear shocks)
I know it is not a couple of bikes. We used Europcar for a Diesel Opel Astra from Munich and it was only about $500 for 11 days. Don't know if that helps in Rome but it was a great car and quite economical for the 2700 ks that we put on it
Thanks, Ansip - we think that if we can't get bikes, we may just train around and use taxis or get a small short term rental car. One thing I had hoped, folks, was that somebody would say "Hey, my cousin in Italy rides - let's try to hook you up with a ride or two!" :)

Anyone else care to chime in on their experience or ideas?

Maybe one of our German members can help. I've relatives in Germany who vacation in Italy. Unfortunately they don't ride.
Around the same time we were in Germany two mates and their wives rented a couple of BMW 1200s from a guy in Germany. They had a great time seeing the Alps etc but it was quite expensive and insurance is something that we believe would not have worked it Italy/Austria very well. When they were it Italy they kept saying that they were getting passed by locals on scooters all the time, so maybe scooter rental is not such a bad thing if it has reasonable grunt. For my money the car was a piece of cake ($1600 Euro excess which my travel insurance would cover up to $5000 euro), we got a cracked windscreen the 2nd day and I didn't return the car as Diesels were hard to get and this one only had 18k on it. No problems on drop off with the screen, all in all a fantastic experience. :yahoo: