Looking for some advice.

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2012
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I have a dilemma, and it is wrecking my head at the moment.

Last year I bought a 1976 GL1000LTD.
I bought it from a Canadian who had decided to retire and move to Florida where he had a house.
He had 2 bikes, but one had to go, so he decided to sell the LTD. I agreed to buy it from him.
I was planning to go to Edgefield SC for Nassir 8 in September,
so I got him to drop the bike off there on his way down south last July.
It came with all the bits to put it back original, So when Nassir 8 was all done,
I made a crate and loaded it up.

I set about getting it shipped back to Ireland and got a good price to ship it from Atlanta,
from a company that had an online shipping calculator, so I accepted the offer from them.
I got notified by the shipping company when I was back in Ireland that they could not do It,
so I searched for an alternative shipper.
I then got a quote from, and engaged a firm called Schumacher to ship the crate.

They quoted me $1495 to do it, So I had the crate and all the paperwork delivered to their facility in Savannah, Georgia.
I also sent them the full payment by International Bank Transfer. This was last October 2015.
The crate sat in Savannah for months, I got some periodic emails from the shippers sales representative,
basically saying that shipping was slow from Savannah, and they were basically waiting for some other
merchandise to come into Savannah for Destination Ireland to be sent groupage.
He offered me an exclusive container for an additional $500 but I declined the offer and told him I was in no hurrry with shipping.

Early this year he sent me a few emails saying it would be much better to ship the crate from New Jersey,
and he gave me a quote of $325 to have the crate brought there. I eventually agreed.
There then emerged a paperwork problem which has gone on for the last 4-5 months, this is due to the fact
that the bike has a Canadian title and was not formally imported into the United States.
They now finally tell me that they cannot ship the bike. They furthermore state that they will
refund be only $500 the rest they will keep for trucking and storage charges.

My problem basically is, I need to have the crate collected from the Shippers New Jersey warehouse before
the 16th of June which is less than 2 weeks. What to do next I simply don't know. The bike is a non runner,
carburettors are off and stripped, and the clutch is burned out. There is also clutch residue in the
oil intake filter as the oil pressure light will not go out if you start the bike.

I am basically posting this to see if any of you have any ideas as to what I can do.
At this point I have no idea how I can collect the crate, nor any idea where I can bring the crate to
for storage to give me time to figure out what to do next.

I had thought that maybe the best thing is to take it back to Canada and try shipping from there.
This may mean having to decrate it and get it back up and running and maybe send the loose parts in a seperate shipment.
I am prepared to travel to the US and Canada to sort this out unless I can find someone to do it for me.

Do any of you have any ideas? I am not looking for a free ride, I will pay my way on this
but at this point I simply do not know what to do.

I will post this on several forums that I frequent, I am not trying to be a smart ass, just trying to get a problem solved.

I am hoping someone can help.
I certainly don't know but can there be a waiver since it isn't staying in the US. The only other thing would be to ship it to Canada and there to Ireland..boy...what a pickle this is.
good luck.
If someone could collect it and deliver it to fed ex air I'm pretty sure they'll ship it by plane to the airport nearest you. Check out shipping by air.Several companies in that business. Best of luck to you. Makes most of my problems seem very small.
The crate is built on 2 standard US Pallets

The bike was then rolled on and strapped down

The crate was then built up around the bike

And a lid put on the top.

Awful mess to be in, sorry to hear. :crying: Would think SOME WAY, it could be handled. :headscratch:
I think what you might want to do is contact the US trade commission, this company has obviously ripped you off big time. It seems to me if you have a clear title for the bike it shouldn't matter that it is being shipped from the US, I think that is just a dumb excuse those crooks are using.

IF the us trade commission can't help they may be able to direct you to the agency that will help you. I know there are strict laws here in the us about international trade, and companies can't just rip people off like these jerks have you.
I finally managed to get my crate shipped to Ireland. I collected it last thursday.
It is a long story that I wish to forget.

I want to say a big thank you to all of you that replied to this thread and I
know that is was not possible for anyone to physically help, but kind words and advice are always appreciated.

I am thankful to Oldwrench for suggesting contacting the US Maritime Commission.
I have started on the road to somehow getting some compensation for this fiasco.

Thanks again to everyone.
So glad the nightmare has ended. Good luck getting compensated as much as you can for the hassle and extra charges.