Thanks! And a sorry tale!

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Old Fogey

Well-known member
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Glasgow Scotland
For the Admins!
Hi guys,
First, thank you for all your hard work on the new site. Looks real good and very much an improvement on the old one.

This is something that I had been thinking about for a while, as my site was started back in 2009, hosted by Moonfruit on a then relatively innovative Flash based drag-and-drop.
I had absolutely zero knowledge of how to do this, but through sheer perseverance and bloody-mindedness, I managed to get a site up that was fairly well received.
Added to over the years, the final iteration of it saw 115 pages but I realised some time ago that, just like this site, it was definately not particulary mobile friendly. That, plus the fact that Adobe was pulling the plug on Flash support, meant that something had to be done. But at 74yo I was not at all sure I wanted the work involved to rebuild it.
The decision was taken out of my hands!
Moonfruit had been acquired by Yell sometime back and last year they made the decision to shut the Moonfruit servers down and transfer all the sites to Wix site builder, that they also now owned.
Well, hurray! Someone else was going to do the hard work!
Sadly, it did not go to plan (I'm assuming there was a plan). The servers were to be shut off Jan 7th. In December I still had heard nothing from Wix and was getting blindsided by the remains of the Moonfruit team. Finally, through my contact at Yell customer service, Wix realised they had missed out my site. That date was the 6th Jan! They had to keep the servers running until they sent me a completion email on the 20th.
So all was well!! No, not a chance!

Wix, presumably because it was all done in a hurry, missed pages (fortunately I had copies of all, apart from one important page saved to my PC), missed text, missing images. The mobile versions were an absolute disgrace!

So, to anyone who has recently been on the site, my apologies for the mess!
I'm working on it, but it's a big learning curve again and I have been so busy with carb rebuilds (on hold at the moment) and family stuff that it is taking time to sort it all out.
I'll get there eventually. I might even have some new stuff for it but the old stuff comes first.