Thrump is treated as the American people are treated

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida
Some of you may know that a bit over a year and a half ago I was traveling through the state Illinois ....transporting tractor tires ....the tractor I bought was so wide ...I had to leave four the tires and come back and get them ...anyway on that trip about 1 in the morning I think on a Thursday night I was in the right lane on interstate 70 with my blinker on to to off the on a exit to get diesel ...when all the sudden it seemed like the truck I had the sense that truck came off the ground seem to go right even more and heading down the embankment and what seemed like over a fence and through a farm field full of soybeans ...seemed to go forever but finally stoped all this was going on there seem to be glass flying everywhere inside the cab of the truck ....

As for this post I will tell you I’ve never felt such a force like this in my life ..this topped them all ...when everything finally stop I just tried to remain still cause I didn’t want to move just knew the possibility of being really hurt was huge ....and glad the truck finally stoped ...I’ll keep thes post short ...and move on in following posts ....
After sitting in the truck a good bit slowly moving around and checking things out all over and truck was still running I switched off ..looking around I could fill glass everywhere ..all over me face arms legs was like dustified like sand ....any after a bit of moving my arms around and my legs just a bit not drastically I decided to try and open the door if possible...this was in June so weather was comfortable especially as late as it was at night ...door came open easy I slowly slid over to the edge of the seat still very cautious never really lifting off seat ...things went well it seemed ..I look out and down to assess the ground looked very far away ...thi sort of freaked me out ..I started thinking maybe I’m really screwed up I’m not seeing right ...but things never change as I sat right there the ground never got closer looking ....after awhile of looking at thing truck had grab bar and a full running board I decided to try and get out out ...I slowly turned and positioned myself to get off the seat and hanging on to door and grab bar slowly stood up ..eventually get to standing on the running board still looking at the ground seemed to be a long way like three ft or so ...eventually hanging on the door and the grab bar I try several dips with one leg on step the other on running board .....on about the four or dip I went as far as I could go after test my body as to being together enough to try this ..and felt ground and put my weight on the leg and got out ....this may seem boring but it’s also posted document to as of this date for me to have for the situation I been put in as of the day before yesterday ....
I’m sill hanging on to door and truck and both feet on the ground now still assessing things on me ...not willing to let go of truck moving my feet around a bit like stepping feeling for pain and all ...eventually I feel I can let go of truck and did thing I should have mentioned earlier was during the wreck the truck was spinning was such a weird feeling as I felt no digging in or great trauma of being thrown around ..again I felt like I was above the ground and like in the air ...I’m not sure how many times the truck scum around I’m guessing three or more much energy and force involved in all this totally incredible to me the end the truck was facing back towards the interstate ...After standing there beside the truck I could see and knew the truck was off the ground especially in the back of truck I looked back that way ...I could see someone standing in the field about thirty ft from me eventually after checking my self out good I let go of truck and started walking towards this person ...I got about halfway to him and there was a fence all ravaged up between us ..I couldn’t get there to where he was at ...but I got far enough now to realize there was another vehicle involved in this accident..up until now I thought the exploded like a bomb ..that’s actually what I thought said earlier I’ve experienced being blasted by so much energy ever ..and I have been through wild stuff in my days on earth was starting to come clear to me now there was a vehicle underneath my truck all the way under the rear end of the truck really far ..apparently the truck was on top of the vehicle riding it like a foot on a roller skate ...wha we went through the fence it was this vehicle that caught the fence the truck went over it I looked around it was dark but the lights around the exit I was getting off on for fuel had things lit up looked like 800 ft or mor of fence was ripped out poles and all ..I remember thinking someone put up a nice fence and work to stay together like for what I could see ...
so after standing there awhile at the ravaged fence ..I seen a path I might get through if I stepped good ...I try and managed it ...the guy in the field was still standing in one spot not saying anything looking dazed bad ....I said a few words to him he responded ...then I heard screaming from the other side of vehicle a woman in pain I slowly made it there the same time there people coming around ...I stood there as they were trying to calm her ....then all the sudden I seen the guy that dazed made it there and he was saying to her what happen ...what did you do hit a truck ....making it out like she was driving ....she was bleeding bad ...but then she blurted out ..I wasn’t driving ...people how came around saw this guy throwing beer bottles out in the field getting stuff out of the car ....or liquor bottles ...then cops show up ..the people that came around were farmers from a house a few hundred yards away ...the cops ask me who I was and what I was in ..I gave him my license and then ask he ask for insurance...I said it in the truck ..he said get it ..I said I don’t think I can ..he insisted so I tried ...went back through the fence and over to the truck and tried to get up into it ..sheesh noway instant pain ..went told him I can’t do it ....
Now ambulances show up ..and they start taking care of the girl ...she is put on carry board as this was all in the middle of a farm field planted in soybeans ...then I’m ask if I can get to ambulance ...I said yes after trying to get in truck I did not want to try and lay down down on board I seemed ok standing strait up ...I made it there with walking guards on either side of me waiting for me to fall ...getting in the ambulance was a bit rough going the two steps ...once in they check the usual..then ask me me what hospital I wanted to go to ...I laugh should I know I’m from Florida ...they said it the law in Illinois ..I laugh again ..your the experts here this is crazy for it to be me to know ...right then a cop I hadn’t seen before piped in the ambulance and said take this guy to the trauma center this was a horrific accident...that was a thirty minute or so ride on the interstate deeper into Illinois......
At the hospital I insisted to walk in as they wanted me to sit in a chair ...I would not lay down in ambulance sitting was bad enough ...any way usual checks and they insisted I I lay down ...oh my wonder I didn’t want to lay down my the pain ...they wheeled me to MRI or whatever the the term is for my back as I told them it was hurting especially now I’m laying down ....that done back to where I was ...a doctor comes in and the assistants there ask me what happen your passenger I told them I had no passenger ..they thought I was with the girl I guess ...then the officer who told them to take me here to trauma center comes in ..the comes over and says what are you some kind of tough guy you have a broken back ...the officer says I knew he needed to come here ..I ask him I getting charge with anything sir ..he said no you did nothing wrong ..the doctor said your going to a room and I’d have to keep laying down gave me pain shot and I’m thing they had me on pain meds shots later in room ...not sure really ...ok going to break a bit tablet got to charge up
Ok ....I was fitted with a back brace ...neat thing the way it works ...was told I had to wear it for 2 or three months ...basically around the clock for time ...was at hospital for about two days ...Jonas my son came and pick me up ...and took me to Indiana ....this is the start of my next victimizing

It was suggested by the hospital I get another mri soon once home to make sure my back was healing and hasn’t move ...moved so I did the days went the pain and swelling increased ..but I’m very good with pain and also the hospital sent me with pain pills ..those dreaded OxyContin stuff ...cant remember the exact time I went to get another MRI ...wasn’t real real long after the accident though ...I do remember the price ...758 dollars my god a back specialist place connected to the hospital in Bloomington Indiana ...also seen a doctor ...had to come back to them the good was the back was healing and hadn’t moved from the first MRI ....seems I wore the brace for around the clock longer and was told to do so and get therapy .. during this time I’m trying to find out where the truck at ...trying to get a police report from Illinois ...was told truck has to be released by the state police ...police report say in recording we are running 4 weeks behind and you have to pay for report ...I’m also trying to find a lawyer by advice from everyone ...
It was suggested by the hospital that I get a second MRI when I got home to see if back hasn’t move and was healing after some run days not long I did this ...that was costly it was like 758 dollars had to see doctor also ..I had to come back for MRI ...did that had to come back again to see the doctor for results ..did that ..they said back hadn’t moved and was healing ...also I needed to start therapy ...during this time I’m trying to find out where truck is ..get a police report ..and was suggested by many to get a lawyer ..Gieco who was the insurance company on the other vehicle involved kept calling me wanting me to take a deposition over the phone finally told no ..I can’t even get a police report yet or know the truck is at’s ridicules trying to get police report and truck info plus you have to pay for it .....I called lawyers in around where I was at one wanted to deal with Illinois state so one place gave me a law firm to call I did ..I’m sure this will be spelled wrong Disparchi abs associates to them ..they wanted the case ...and sent papers ..there case worker suggested therapy for me to do ...all this happen about 3to 4 weeks after accident ...finally I got a police report wasn’t till then that knew some facts ...the vihicle in the crash was a new Jaguar ..that’s there was witnesses that made statements charges filled against me ...someone who way behind me stated that a car went by them at a very very high rate of speed said they were doing 75 mph and then went into right lane and hit me also said I had my turn signal on fixing to get off at the exit ...the cop that took that stamens after talking to them is the one who said take this guy to the trauma center the wreck was I went to therapy and did that I’m thinking twice a week ...still no truck ..about two months after the wreck the police finally released the truck said I had two days to get it or it would be moved to a further place from me than it was was already three hrs away. So me and my son went and got ..basically I just rode along ..had to rent a trailer to get the tractor tires that were in the truck
Sheesh we finally get to the truck ..and see it for the first time since the wreck ...the dump bed was completely broke loose from the frame ..the car hit so hard it it broke the pins and mounts off the frame ..the bed slid forward and hit the rear window ..that’s where all th glass came from and was like turned into glass dust I had glass coming out of my face arms neck back and legs for quite some time after the wreck broke the at least one if not both the rear end mounts was a dually rear truck with a dump bed those people live in that car amaze me after looking at the truck looked like the it buried itself about 2/3 of the way under the truck stated before I thought the truck blew up ...cause it seemed I left the road and was going threw the air ...well we got the tires or I should say Jonas did ..and loaded them ..these were no small tires there about 5ft tall rather wide with also steel sleeves that separate the tires on the tractor sleeves were 18” wide ..the tractor all together has 8 tires and is 12ft wide and 210 hp ...actually small for a bend in the middle tractor that has big power ..I call them floaters ..they are the first tractors that can get in a field when ground is moist ..anyway we got the tires finally several months after the wreck ..
I’m really hurting and decide I don’t want to winter through in Indiana and make arrangements to go to fla to recoup ..with the back brace and all clothes and stuff was going to be a problem where I was at was all wood heat and no way to do that at all ..
So I informed everyone and left or actually had my brother come get me ..
Now in Florida and about three or more after the wreck ..I’m trying to find out from my lawyers what is my case value ..he gives this bull about that a unethical ?...and he and his staff was trying to get me to send them all the info I had on the wreck to them ..I refused ..yrs ago when I was really sick bad with Lyme disease this like three yrs or so after I got it dad wanted me to apply for disability..I didn’t want to do it at all ..but I was running out of money by then all the money I had ever saved in life was getting down to about nothing had been at least three yrs if not more ..I was a person who made good money no matter what I was was doing last bank account money I had stashed was in Indians and that’s where I went and stayed on the farm ..anyway I took all my papers I had over yrs to disability place this time I was inform enough to know what I had was made by or government as a GMV ..Weapon of war ..and I hated the the government big time ..but I was very sick weak and did take my stuff I had sense I got sick with Lyme and turned it over to them ...well guess what they stole it and never gave it back this time the government and CDC policy was Lyme disease didn’t exist...

So when I have info I don’t turn it over ....and I told my lawyers it’s there job to get info not for me to give it to them ...heck my brother was pissed ...but I’d tell them anything I had over the phone ..and so it went that way ..time goes on ..I’m still getting this song and dance about the wreck ..I told them I thought the people were illegals maybe drug people driving brand new car and they looked Mexican ...turns the driver had no license lawyers were telling me that there names were redacted on the police report ...and Geico wasn’t offering any settlement ..this seemed crazy to me me ..I started looking at my stuff I had ..sheesh I had there names ...I had there policy number ...I though how crazy this is ..I was being lied to I confronted them ..they back up a bit and said well we do have there names and policy numbers ...this all happen about 9 months into case ..right at one year they call me up and say mr belcher geico has offered you the maximum settlement..1000oo$...then preceded to tell me that the hospital and there doctors was 45000oo the therapy was hmm can’t remember I’m thinking 5000oo to 8000oo I was out of my pocket about 3000oo there cut the lawyers was 33000oo expensives it was getting to my cut being about 2000oo this really pissed me off ...after everything I had been through I wasn’t even getting minim wage as settlement I had to sign off all liability so I said I’d think about it ...checked into things sheesh the policy number gets you the maximum amount a policy has ..I asked that question from the start and there answer was it unethical ? ...I also checked into other lawyers and found one I could go on and on about the lies I was told by my lawyers the first ones ...
True dan ...but it gets interesting also have your insurance the second lawyers told me .. but I had to fire the first lawyers ..I was thinking that’s what I wanted to do anyway ..I was looking for better representation... and to your point ..why would one need a lawyer if things are cut and dry like that ... and it gets worse I fired my lawyer ...and now represented by Morgan and Morgan supposedly the biggest lawyer group in the country...they assign me a lawyer who was going to get me more ...then right off the bat the first law firm came back and I had no rights to fire them ..and they were going to fight for there share of my second lawyers look into the policy that I had on truck ... to collect more funds it has liability on it to ..this is where the scam all starts ..I was led to believe that the truck had liability of 100000 on it .. was told that the only I could collect on that was if it had a policy of over 100000 ..was told the law says if one company pays 100000 no other 100000 policy can come in play people pay this insurance but it is scam out to where if they write the same policy no matter what only 100000 will be paid ...again I was misled ...then two months ago I was promised that the people will be sued by the second lawyers ..yesterday I’ve been trying to get in touch with them and they told me they never sued the people as promised to me and they were letting me go the second lawyers can fire there client but me the victim can’t fire the first ...the policies are sold settlements are written to cover the expenses of the system at outrages cost ...50000oo dollars for two days in a hospital for a bacbrace and a picture ..lawyers welfare and the victims get the least ..the lawyers should never be able to say 1/3 of your settlement when in actuality it’s 2/3 thirds and you 1/3 ...I’m still hurt in the name of liability there is none it’s for the system and lawyers and it matters not if your in a wheelchair afterwards ...and it’s all in your name but you get nothing ..and the law makes you buy such a worthless plan that doesn’t cover any liability what so ever ..this is all just snakes oil bullshit scam I sit now this coming June stature of limitations comes in and these lawyers could havecanswer my ? In the first month ..telling me the policy was only 100000 ..gave bullshit for a year no point were mother fuckers ever working my interest and never answer my ? ..I don’t how fucked I am yet by these scum fucking lawyers but in down to 5 months ..I’ve leaned something big for sure never get lawyers in a group ..the Morgan group my lawyer said ..the review group who I have no clue is told my lawyer he couldn’t proceed in my case ..after I was told two months ago that the case was filed against the people was like daddy said I can’t do this ..he wasn’t a real lawyer at all ..he was case manager at best and liar cause daddy said no ...on my first lawyers when contacted after I fired the lawyer ..some daddy like guy came in and I can’t fire them and my lawyer was longer with them ..never again will I ever get a lawyer through a group law firm ...if you do what ever they say you can’t count on period bullshit of having some onecelsecyou talk to run the show ..purecscam way to do business ...and in the worse position ever
As things went with the new lawyers ..they also wanted my info package...and my brother talked into sending it to them ....I have over the 6 months plus they have been on the case to get it returned here I am basically no info about my case and no lawyer ...the whole deal in this being that one lawyers group is saying me as the victim have no right to fire ..and the other group after promising they would file suite against the people who I feel are illegals and then go silent for months and no suite was ever filed I had to hound the lawyer to finally get a conversation from them that they did nothing ..I’m sure if I hadn’t I’d still be here today thinking that my lawyer was doing what what they told me .....Illinois is a sanctuary state like California ...where we all know an illegal can fire a gun kill an American and just walk away no charges ....and to this day after pleading with both lawyer groups to look into this told me nothing about there satis the whole time I’ve had lawyers not one thing of any importance has ever been sent to me far as I know these liars to there clients could be lying about hospital and other things about this case ..I’ve never been sent any from the lawyers but fluff letters ..stuff like never mention your on social media and so on would think if a bill from hospital or whoever I would be sent something like the dam bill ..I’d say the original..hell im the one with the broken back I sit here today I have zero info on this wreck copy of anything ..even the settle offer nothing could any of this reality be prudent when they are suppose to working in my interest ....I’m no idiot in any way ..I guess most people are for a system like this somehow is consider close to being for-the victim ...the truth here is the system a most certainly the laws of the state of Illinois are totally against the victim Illinois the driving with no license ..the dui ...the causing of injuries to others case going on is totally postponed till me the victim signs off liability ..the state doesn’t even fill I need to be any part of this at and have sent me nothing totally nothing the state laws there are totally against the injured party the one witness said to the cops the car was going way over a 100mph when he hit me ...this is not just negligence this was a crime a a fired gun hitting someone and the bullet was the car ...this to me is like that pure beautiful your woman who was killed by an illegal firing gun and she lost her life ...I will never get the face of her dad speaking that in the end his daughters life meant nothing to the scum state of in the name of justice there totally none on top of losing his daughter ..I’m not saying my case even comes close to that ..but it’s easy to see how how the system is the same ...the state Illinois made everything in my interest totally against me as a victim the point now the first lawyers are in essence claiming my liability is there’s ...cause I have no right to fire them ...and going to get my laws as they stand I’m being sued ...but there is no case ..laws are written to make this kind screw you victim is never of public knowledge I understand it if I refuse to sign off liability there a judge who just takes that right away done behind closed door never made public so in the end I will get nothing ..because law put everyone’s interest involve as in lawyers doctors hospitals and all other charges like cost of vehicles towing and most certainly the worse thing the guilty party ...over the rights of the victim ..IN THE NAME OF LIABILITY PERIOD ...that’s how the math adds up there no way to get by that
The system is fucked, no doubt about that. Insurance companies rule this domain totally. To them, we are just a number. Just as their bottom line is money in numbers coming in and going out. Naturally if they can tie up the system in their favor, they will.

My daughter and boyfriend were rear ended on his Harley at a stop light.
Neither of them got a dime because the driver and car had no insurance, and no assets. Her boyfriend called several attorneys, all said there is nothing to go after. Fortunately his bike insurance covered his bike. They totaled it. Surprisingly injury was just some lower back pain that’s gone now.
Yes it is fucked but in this case was all the around law we are required to buy this crap ...I call it crap why law they they write policies that only cover the the systems as it costs and in the end there is absolutely no liability for victims or what life they have afterwards...I could be in a wheelchair and it makes no difference......victims would in the end have to go to some kind of disability ..that again is paid by the people to get liability of some kind life ruin ...and mega insurance people off the top of my head is the great antiamerican scum Soros sit back and spend there billions in there nation killing of Americans freedom while the sale policies in the name of liability to victims witch is no liability to victims in truth ...spend there money in state and nation laws to paid off politicians to make no liability to victims the outcome...I’m not trying to get religious here but the messiah said to rulers of the people the religious ...and the people that do run the world are religous they just believe in Satan ...he said to them your god is the devil he is a murderer and he speaks the language of lies ..the people that run everything in this world are global nation killer are religious satanic people and never do no good ..this whole system is just a tax in the name of liability to be titled as not a tax ..and like all government programs does nothing of what it claims for the people ...once something becomes law of no choice it’s a tax and it’s assured to become worthless PERIOD ...i would invite anyone to defend this system the title suggest can be the president of America ..but if your not one of them ..look how you get treated get treated as if you have no rights at all ..he can’t even defend himself so far in a impeachment of absolutely the guilty prosecuting him it is with us peons like me and you ...I have to admired I have great insight on these matters of things I’ve dealt with in life ...but in the name serve the people’s anything but that ...and it is as Trump said ..look people there not after me ..there after you ...I’m just in there way truer words ever spoken in my opinion’s obvious I’m going to get screwed again in major life issue ...but I’m so for trump in the hope he can beat the shit out of these global scum hold on our country in all ways by people who totally hate Americans MAGA 2020 there so many backstabbing American laws to the people it’s far from anything this country was founded on ...the elites policy of never do any good is law ..victims remain victims in the name of liability to victims ..the language of lies