Voter registration warning...

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
Ansimp » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:01 pm[/url]":1kgmae3f]
At least you guys don't have compulsory voting like us. I wish the ones that couldn't be bothered and don't want to contribute would stay away from the polls :yes:

Wow, I wonder how many people vote to muddy the waters just because they are forced.
[url= said:
joedrum » Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:09 am[/url]":34dmgma1]
[url= said:
Ansimp » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:01 pm[/url]":34dmgma1]
At least you guys don't have compulsory voting like us. I wish the ones that couldn't be bothered and don't want to contribute would stay away from the polls :yes:

whats that mean vote or go to jail :hihihi:
They do fine you when they catch up with you :head bang:
gee wizz vote or pay my ....i agree anyone who workds for goverment shouldnt be allowed to vote police or anyone ..flat out conflict of interest...use to be if you were a lawyer or banker the founding fathers said you could not run for any political office of any kind ....and special interest had no hold on goverment at all ...we should go back to that ...look what happen since Lincoln the first lawyer elected president anfd what we have now ..a country that donsnt give a hoot about the people it suppose to
True he threw the SLAVERY issue, bit of fat into the fire, to keep Europe from getting involved, & looking bad, :cheeky: got to give the devil his due, :mischief:Most people don't know he was going to send them back to Africa, believe repatriation, was what it was called. :smilie_happy: They blew his brains out, the jew's thought like any repressed people they would want to work, & kept them around. :roll: