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Well-known member
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Sep 18, 2012
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Montreal, Canada
I don't know if anybody saw this, it's a good idea, I wonder if it really works. If you're wondering what it is, it's a hand warmer for the grips.


  • $T2eC16JHJG!E9nm3pk,wBQj6vN4n-Q~~60_1.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 237
Umm.....More info? Website?
Does it go inside the grips?
Or around the outside?
If it goes around the outside....well, the grips on my 77 are
already too fat. Makes my hands sore holding on to 'em.
On the outside, I can imagine these things slipping/ spinning on
the grips, unless they are permanently glued in place.
Offcenter":2u8xsf3y said:
Umm.....More info? Website?
Does it go inside the grips?
Or around the outside?
If it goes around the outside....well, the grips on my 77 are
already too fat. Makes my hands sore holding on to 'em.
On the outside, I can imagine these things slipping/ spinning on
the grips, unless they are permanently glued in place.
Here you go, more info.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Universal-Motor ... 4280107%26
I have never used grip warmers myself but I think it's a common item and it will work. Plenty of my internet friends use them even on smaller motorcycles (80~250cc). Some of them ride in the winter (below freezing temp.) so really need them. They use grip covers (bear paws?) also.

Obviously more wattage the better but you need to consider the drain on the charging system.
Drain on the charging system is something to be concidered for sure. Especially for us stator holdouts. Myself I just dont like the skinny bicycle type grips.

Sent from my GT-I9100M using Tapatalk 2
Yup, that's what layered gloves are for. Kinda tricky, because you have to balance warmth against bulk, but I've found a nice pair of silk or lightweight polypro glove liners inside winter gloves usually does the trick. But for me, if I have to get all plugged in with eletric hand grips, electric vest, turtle fur balaclava under the full-face helmet, etc., it's too cold to be out riding, that's what my car is for!
hard core riders ride only bikes. but unless your in sunny cal or florida.or other real southern states.i don't see the enjoyment in rideing whIle my knees are clanging,teeth chattering nose running etc. anyone who has rode in 30 degree knows the feeling i like to walk in some place with icecycles hanging off my nose. looking real kool.NOT. :oops: :oops:
My friend in northern Japan commutes everyday aboard Yamaha mate 80 (it's like a Honda Supercub) in 20 degree temp. on frozen-snow city streets. He's got studded tires and everything. He is been doing this for more than 20 years.

I am so spoiled here in so Cal I don't even ride in a rain. :hihihi:
skiri251":3e70r4yu said:
...I am so spoiled here in so Cal I don't even ride in a rain. :hihihi:

Yup, been riding in So Cal since the early 80's, won't ride in the rain either...with all the sunshine and fabulous roads to ride, having to take a day off every now and then because of wet weather is a fair price to pay, lol...now here in southeast VA, it's an entirely different story...I rode my 'Wing less than 200 miles last year, partly because of the weather, boring roads, too much of a hassle to move two cars out of the way to get the bike out of the garage, etc. But I'm looking forward to spending a week back in So Cal for the holidays, where I've got an '84 Honda Ascot VT500 waiting for me!
joedrum":3hdujvj8 said:
:popcorn: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:cars have there place for sure :mrgreen:

Joe you da man!!

:smilie_happy: truer words were never spoken :mrgreen:
If it takes longer to get geared up for the ride due to the temp then the ride will last, then the bike stays home! :thank_you:
40 degrees used to be my lower limit as well. Age has caused me to up that a bit although the lowers on my Interstate help a lot. I do have a battery powered Craftsman vest that I used when commuting to work in the dark.

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