Krazy's GL1100 A Project

Classic Goldwings

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Sorry for not posting any updates lately, I have been out riding more lately. I ordered all my parts and changed the timing belts, air filter, oil, oil filter, fuel filter, and fixed the brakes. The old girl runs better every time I take her out. For the down sides... The mirrors move while I'm driving and it bugs the heck out of me.

Also she developed an oil leak. Alice is leaking someplace off the back of the motor, not onto the clutch cover, but further back, onto the center stand. I cleaned up the engine, and can't seem to find where it's coming from. Seems almost like it's coming from the drive shaft boot. The only thing I can think it is would be that oil seal there behind the drive shaft. Do you guys think I'm right? Is that hard to replace? Is there a guide here or someplace that would help?

Man she runs good, but the oil leak is driving me insane. And I can't ride my other bike right now because the fork seals blew out. :(
If the output shaft seal is leaking, you'd know right away by pulling the boot back - it would have oil in it. It shouldn't be too difficult to replace, since it has a flange on it to tap it out with. You'd have to remove the circlip and pull the drive shaft back off the shaft. Might be a bit tricky to get the new one in, though it would be easier with the gas tank removed. You could also remove the swingarm, or at least slide it back for more room instead of removing the gas tank.

Other sources of an oil leak back there are:
Rear cover gasket
Clutch cover gasket
Clutch lever seal
Pulse generator housing, seal, or spacer
Output gear cover, behind the fuel pump adaptor
Loose bolts on any of the above
Crankcase emission canister or drain (Is there oil inside the air filter housing, where the tubes connect?)
Have you cleaned the oil off and check for new oil evidence by putting on center stand and running it through the gears a free times? ... I would get a helper to either run it or look for new drops of oil...
I have put it up on the center stand and ran it through the gears, and it doesn't appear to be leaking. Yet when I stop from a ride (10 miles) it's just leaking out, so it doesn't appear to be engine related so much, because it doesn't leak unless I go someplace. I think it may have something to do with when the rear suspension works if the drive shaft moves in that seal, it may make it leak. I'm not sure.

I think tomorrow I'm going to try and tear it apart and see what I can, but it definitely looks like the oil is coming from the drive shaft boot. I looked up the price of that seal, and it's under $20 so if it looks like I can get to it without too much difficulty, I should be able to get it done really soon. The service manual that I seen says to pull the engine, but I don't think that I should have to, or at least I hope I do not have to.
Here is what happened today, I woke up an went out to see if I could do anything about the oil leak. I pulled back the rubber boot on the drive shaft, and saw that the seal on the engine had somehow been knocked out of where it sits. The seal was out about a 1/4 inch. I took a brass punch and knocked the seal back in place, refilled the oil on the bike and took it around the block, thinking that hopefully putting the seal back in place would at least slow the leak and allow me to still ride while waiting for the part. After the ride I noticed no oil, everything was still clean. So let it sit for a while and checked the sight glass, the oil had not moved, and no oil spots like before. So deciding the bike needed a proper test, I took the bike for a run, and went far enough that I needed more fuel, stopping occasionally to check for oil spots/drips/anything. Nothing. Filled her up with fuel, got some food and made it home after dark. A quick check of the sight glass with my flashlight shows the oil looks where it was when I left (a few hundred miles ago), and I think I may have dodged a bullet on this one. I should have taken a picture of that seal sticking out. I have no Idea how it got put, or why it didn't self destruct being half out, but I'm just glad it seems god now.

Now does anyone know what to do about my mirrors going out of adjustment?
Try the brass punch it seems to work well :smilie_happy:
Well done with the seal :good:
I have heard that some have taken the mirrors of and removed that nut in the middle and added another washer to it and then retightened the nut down.. you could try that first.. and cheap fix.. I have.not done that Rio my 81 yet but will look into it when overhauling the brakes..
Bike is still running good, but seems to have a large increase in power starting around 4000rpm. Through all load ranges seems to respond as I would expect, but at 4000 the bike really takes off, kinda reminds me of my 2-stroke dirt bike when it hits the power band, just sort of instant power. It got me thinking that maybe there is something not quite right. Bike runs smoothly at all times, or at least more smoothly than any other motorcycle that I have ridden, I just am not sure there should be that big jump in power, or if I may have something wrong.
Doesn't sound to me like anything is really wrong. The power band of any motor is the sweet spot where cam timing and ignition timing and carburetion all come together to work best.
The end to my restoration project came abruptly a few days ago. I was having a nice, though somewhat cold drive on one the last days before snow came to my area, I stopped behind a car making a left turn on a busy two lane road, when the car behind me failed to stop, I don't think she even hit her brakes and I was hit at about 50-60mph from the rear. I saw her coming, but had no place to go, and moved forward slightly before the impact, and luckily the car turned just as I was hit, so I didn't get sandwiched. The motorcycle was imbedded in the front of what I believe was a Ford Focus. When the tow company separated the vehicles by hooking on to my bike and pulling it drug the car about 3 feet before they separated. I fell off the bike shortly after impact, anf hit my helmet on the pavement, but I am ok, and just have some damaged gear that I need to replace now. If not for wearing all my gear, things could have been much worse.

Now I may rebuild the bike, or part it out, I have not decided yet. The back is in really bad shape, but the engine still runs and does not leak. The right air shock is broke, and the rear rim is broke. I have not had much of a chance to look at the full extent of the damages yet.

Bellow are some sad pictures, for those that are easily upset, shield your eyes....

I am really glad to hear you are Okay!! :shock: :clapping:

That could have been real bad!! :sensored:

I am sorry about your bike! :crying:
[url= said:
mcgovern61 » Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:03 pm[/url]":4dwr2r7g]
I am really glad to hear you are Okay!! :shock: :clapping:

That could have been real bad!! :sensored:

I am sorry about your bike! :crying:
My biggest fear while riding :head bang:
So glad you are okay. Looks like enough left to revive a dead parts bike with title. Pretty much the same thing trashed one of my trucks. I was waiting at a light and a semi pushed a car up my rear a few years ago.
It's really sad. I don't even want to look at it right now, I don't have the money to fix it right now. I am still trying to resolve the money issues with the woman who hit me without taking her to court. In my state I can won't get much, but I'm hoping enough to pick up a parts bike. Stupid me I went from full coverage down to liability coverage on the bike for the cold months, since I thought that I could save a bit of money, turns out that choice ended up costing me a lot more.