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Dec 6, 2009
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On a mountain in the Ozarks
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1982 Standard
I walked outside today and found my 15 year old son kick'n the crap out of his older sisters 21 year old "no good" boyfriend. :whip: A very one sided event. Ats my boy!
How can I feel so proud, yet at the same time feel so trailer trash? :salute:

Sorry, no pictures.
I don't see how this is going to improve your daughters judgement. Not disputing that BF is worthless but she picked him. Seems she needs some re education too. Good luck with that and in getting your son to fight as effectively with word and wit. :beg:
slabghost":12c5biki said:
I don't see how this is going to improve your daughters judgement. Not disputing that BF is worthless but she picked him. Seems she needs some re education too. Good luck with that and in getting your son to fight as effectively with word and wit. :beg:
There has been talk and talk and talk. There just comes a time when an asswhuppin is the next logical thing to do.
slabghost":3j6h2pc1 said:
I must agree. And I understand and agree with your pride. I wish I could be of more help.
I haven't seen any cops yet, so no help is necessary. Thanks anyways.

My son is capable, but hasn't really tasted blood yet. He's the big guy in the crowd who doesn't talk much until he gets comfortable around you.

My daughter is a chick. Her mind works like an 18year old girl. This guy is a user and he has managed to get into her head. This is the result of allowing her the freedom of having a social life. I can't keep her locked in the closet the rest of her life. She's attending classes at the local community college and working part time. So she meets people. She is supposed to be saving her money so we can help her buy a decent dependable car. She had a thousand dollars in her savings account just a couple months ago. Last week I asked how her savings is coming along. She tried to avoid answering but my persistence won. Turns out she has less than a hundred dollars. She's been putting gas in his car, buying him food, paying for dates, etc. This is but one log on this fire.
My son usually gets along with the guys who follow her home. They end up out in the back yard shooting pellet guns, playing video games, helping them fix their car, just hanging out. He told me he don't like this guy because he's a real snotty smartass. I smelled a skunk the first time he laid out the ol' Eddie Haskel charm pretty thick. So, not only did I give my son permission/blessing, I also let him know that I expect him to care for and look after his sister. I tried talking to the guy more than once, but I swear it was like talking to Eddie Haskel. I have been talking to my daughter, but, like I said, this guy is a user and he's found his way into her head.
It just blessed my heart when I walked outside today and saw my kid taking care of business. I didn't know the guy was here and it was totally unexpected. Made my day, man.
Feel for you . Mine has driven me nuts until she turned 20 ,now 23 , she did always take care of her choices tho . Sometimes they gotta experiance their foolishness before they learn the choice was bad . Happily mine lernt fast .
its the usual young girl " i love him " thing that most girls go through. some get past it others don't. no commnt on your son " taking care of biz " cause at his age i raised plenty hell, just ask my sisters boy friends :mischief:
I'll never forget the day I taught my daughter to stand up for herself. Kristan was 8 and she came in the apartment crying one day. After some coaxing I found out there were 5 girls her age that picked on all the girls her age and a few of the younger boys too. I explained to her that there was only one bully in the bunch and the others followed along because they were scared of this one bully too. Kridstan agreed and said the other girls were really nice when that "one bully" wasn't around. "Want her to stop?" I asked, and Kristan smiled. This is what I told her to do, "I want to to go back outside and find this girl, as soon as you see her you scream bloody murder and run as fast as you can right at her, and start throwing punches without saying a word." Well her war-cry started before the front door closed behind her. About 10 minutes later returned a new child, walking on air, badly scratched knee, but no worse for the wear. "It worked! it worked! it worked! the other girls ran away!!! the bully cried!!!! I let her get it out and then told her fighting is wrong, and that the only reason I told her what I did, was becasue they both seemed to need to learn a lesson.

Omega Man":xblb3rm0 said:
I'll never forget the day I taught my daughter to stand up for herself. Kristan was 8 and she came in the apartment crying one day. After some coaxing I found out there were 5 girls her age that picked on all the girls her age and a few of the younger boys too. I explained to her that there was only one bully in the bunch and the others followed along because they were scared of this one bully too. Kridstan agreed and said the other girls were really nice when that "one bully" wasn't around. "Want her to stop?" I asked, and Kristan smiled. This is what I told her to do, "I want to to go back outside and find this girl, as soon as you see her you scream bloody murder and run as fast as you can right at her, and start throwing punches without saying a word." Well her war-cry started before the front door closed behind her. About 10 minutes later returned a new child, walking on air, badly scratched knee, but no worse for the wear. "It worked! it worked! it worked! the other girls ran away!!! the bully cried!!!! I let her get it out and then told her fighting is wrong, and that the only reason I told her what I did, was becasue they both seemed to need to learn a lesson.

This is so true....growing up inthe streets of Philadelphia, you had to be aware of your surroundings. My Dad taught us the same lesson. He grew up boxing, it was the way they settled fights in them days. He was only 5'6" and an easy target. He told us, "When there is a group ganging up on you, just find the biggest and loudest and take them out, the fight will be over quick and they will scatter like sheep." I was not much of a fighter and I mananged to stay in one piece!
This is why you don't wear insignia in combat. :yes:
I had to have the bully talk with my son. The only reason bullies can do what they do is because they know they can get away with it. Everybody is scareed to stand up to them. A couple days later he stood up to the bully in what turned out to be no more than a face off. The incident defused itself. So, ya.....it works. And sometimes you don't even have to fight. I've been that lucky a few times myself.
Sometimes there is Noway around it , unless you want to Move. I am a pretty big guy , 6' 5 & 1/2" tall and 227 lb.... and I have never really been a fighter . and I played music in bars for over 40 years . and most of the problems I've ever had was IN a bar. because some little redneck wanted to whip the biggest guy there . and that was always ME. and everytime when it was over, I felt like $hit , because after I choked some little guy to the floor , NOW it looked like I (the big guy) beat up some ( little , drunk guy ) ........so , I still lost . so... after a couple of them , I would get the guy off to the side if I could ... and just tell him , now I know what your doing. and believe me , ( I Know ) I can just beat you out of your clothes , but , I don't want to , and I don't think YOU want me to.... so , you just pretend like we came to an agreement , and leave it at that. and.......sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't . but MOST people know when they are about to have their A$$ kicked. and if you give them a chance , they will take it. .............but.........some never learn.
Omega Man":1ujpz8ad said:
...Well her war-cry started before the front door closed behind her.

:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
No THASS funny rite thar, I don keer WHO ya are!!!! :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

My dad taught us that we better not be gittin in no fights, BUT...iffin we DID, by golly we better WIN. My brother was a fighter....big boy, too. I may not have won all of my skirmishes, but I never backed down, either....don't know if that proves my lack of intelligence or what... :headscratch:
Bullies are only bullies around followers...one on one, they're usually sissies.
Gotta teach our young-uns to stand up for themselves, and to NOT be followers of fools. :ahem:
Just learned today the relationship was turning abusive. I suspect the abuse was already happening, but my daughter won't fess up too much right now.
She quit texting him and wouldn't talk to him on the phone, so that's when he showed up at the house to talk to her. "I'm sorry, baby.....I'm sorry....."

Now I'm wishing I would've went out there and got in a few punches myself. Wasn't near enough bloodshed in this case.

It's too bad she had to experience this, but in a way, she now has that experience behind her. And she did try to break it off. But just the possessive nature of the sob, he wasn't backing off.
I'm getting close to a similar experience with my daughters BF but Ron's sounds worse case than mine.

At this point I just don't like the punk, mohawk and all, jeans 4 sizes too large.
He comes on real nicey nice like and my girl say's he's calling her baby and stuff like that.

I keep my distance but with a watchful eye and ears.
With my temper he's liable to wind up as roadkill if he makes the wrong move and I'll be in jail.
I need Ron's son to give my boy a few lessons in ass woopin.
well in my case i feel sorry for guys some of my daughters are with ....i can hardly deal with them at all these punk guys are just hamberger to them ...its vicious and im not kiding at all ....im thinking WWE or roller derby .....you take my one daughter lightly for fracton of a seond and your done :Doh2: :crying: :help: :help: :party: :whip: :ahem: :hihihi:
joedrum":3pkvze6h said:
well in my case i feel sorry for guys some of my daughters are with ....i can hardly deal with them at all these punk guys are just hamberger to them ...its vicious and im not kiding at all ....im thinking WWE or roller derby .....you take my one daughter lightly for fracton of a seond and your done :Doh2: :crying: :help: :help: :party: :whip: :ahem: :hihihi:

MAN! Don'tcha just love a woman that knows what she wants?

Wait a minute............is there an oxymoron trying to get out somewhere? :shock:
If he continues to bother her you may need to report him to the Police. At least tell him you may do that if he doesnt stay away. There are some strange people out there and the television teaches them new ways to be creepy every night.
Good luck.