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ok very pleased with work i have another option im going to also do with another pulley ...this may also be like readying it for another bike also taking rear wheel off today ...needs valve stem i got and lost already sheesh wheel coming off anyway :builder: :thanks:

pic of pulley after i cut stem and milled it true by hand


pic of cut off stem right after hack saw by was about a heavy 3/16" icluding cut kerf


this is install ... and completely solid to crank pulley no shims or anything needed also has three threaded holes to pin to crank pulley to take load off crank bolt


nice and tucked in


hmmm whats that?


thats what the three holes were for pulley hub cap..not sure if ill use it or not ....


now that bike is good and lite im going to push it uphill to the doghouse and and take the wheel off so i can dismount car tire again to put in valve stem ...and take pics of the wheel hand mill job that allows 15"car tire to bead easy that several want to see pics of....ithe rest of the work will be in the doghouse ...ill get the engine there too.. :builder: :thanks:

this is the stab..


how deep


the victom


tapped and screwed.....the v pulley is one with the crank only thing left is to get a bit longer crank bolt rather sure there is going to be no radiator to move or not much '''everything else is up in the air ...once new bolt is in the engine.... its ready to put back in bike ...good stator now ... pulley on engine for alt mod or something else ...the load has been releaved from the crank bolt now so all this done on this pulley :builder: :thanks:
ok im very pleased with the results on the pulley install im going to hope i can get bolt close by for crankshaft ... and just put motor back in ...i couldnt push the roller frame to the building by myself ...some touch up work to do on timing covers ...going to retension the belts a bit ..though there very close now after all the miles on it ....
well no bolt to be had around here ...its a 12mm extra fine thread...stock is a 1 1/16 shaft and grade 10 bolt....i need 9/16" longer one ..but 1 1/2" shaft bolt would do fine ... :rant:

engine ready to go ...cleaned all the mill work from front covers belt pulleys and all ..retension the belts ....and rough milled the cuts i made and got good clearence for belts now


i like my hub cap ...motor going back in bike....the covers actually fit great ..its just what they fit to is unseen .....they cut to the flat line ..meaning it could be fill in to fit tight around pulley rather easy ..... :builder: :thanks:
Nice work joe !! I've had my ready for external alternator for about a year or so now, one of my riding friends noticed it and said, Mike, you threw a belt, I said no, I just hadn't decided whether to add air conditioning or power steering yet. :shock: :whistling: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
ok ive got only a few things to say is foolish to take a motor out of a wing on gravel driveway with steep incline.....and no sky hook ...sheesh bike fell 2 times totally wore out ... if it wasnt for my wife finallly helping me ...i dont think the motor would be in now .... sheesh dont ever try this ... :Doh2: oh well i lived through it ..time to :builder: :thanks:

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