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Classic Goldwings

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  1. G

    Tachometer/speedometer rebuild kits? Or replacement?

    I'll share my unexpected "fix" for a dragging/lagging tach on my 1978 GL1000. It had started lagging badly as they have a tendency to do so I began researching places and ways to fix it. I had looked at the overseas repair place and also at an in-country shop (very expensive) and had not...
  2. G

    1978 GL1000 Main Fuse wiring

    I'm having to replace the wiring to/from the 30 amp main fuse behind the battery. I am not real smart about electricity, but what I read about the size of wiring necessary to handle 30 amps of 12V current says that you are usually dealing with 8-10AWG size wire. The wire to/from the main fuse...
  3. G

    GL1000 soft start question

    A small portable manual air pump, like a sports ball inflator, along with a rubber ring to seal it to the gas tank opening when used, is fine to "prime" things when the bike has been sitting without the extra complication of an electric pump.
  4. G

    New highway floorboards!

    The only issue with floorboards is emergency braking. With floorboards, you have to lift your foot off the floorboard and place it on the brake to brake. With pegs, all you have to do is pivot the toe of your foot downward, resulting in a good bit of time savings if the situation demands.
  5. G

    Tech issues

    I found a simple way to prime my carbs after a long sit. I had a sports ball inflator, took the needle out, found a round rubber gasket from somewhere (I don't even remember what it was from) to roughly seal between the inflator and the tank opening, and it works great. Place the inflator on...
  6. G

    GL1000 Hard Start after sitting a while...

    I know this is an old thread, but having the same issue, I have wondered if installing an inline squeeze pump between tank and fuel pump would work and be a simpler fix.