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Classic Goldwings

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  1. Hoosier Daddy

    New Year/New Decade Resolutions...

    A-Men Brother! That should be my #1 my goal... Then comes finish my bike... Then hope the two can co-exist... something about two gals wanting my attention :mrgreen:
  2. Hoosier Daddy

    Happy New Year

    Happy and safe New Year to all of you and yours, may each new year be better than the last :clapping:
  3. Hoosier Daddy

    Auxiliary gauges and junk...

    Was it Old Fogey on NGW? A super guy who loves to share his experiance, hopefully he won't mind me posting this on his behalf...
  4. Hoosier Daddy

    Old guy redux

    Welcome kYpondman! Glad to see another GL1100 owner made it here!
  5. Hoosier Daddy

    Hi from the UK

    Glad to have ya Hondasteve, got any more pics of the gold-wing?
  6. Hoosier Daddy

    Do they make a standard version of the 1500?

    Yea, I wonder how it is sold... pint, quart, gallon,? Oh wait, I bet by the "Forty" :smilie_happy:
  7. Hoosier Daddy

    Do they make a standard version of the 1500?

    HOLY COW! That guy must have put every search term that was even ROMOTELY motorcycle related he could think of... "Stunt Juice"? :roll:
  8. Hoosier Daddy

    Do they make a standard version of the 1500?

    The way I understand, '84 was the last year for a Standard Goldwing... a 1200. A 1500 that is a Standard is a Valkyrie.
  9. Hoosier Daddy

    Announcing the return of Peterbylt

    Hey Peter! even though I wasn't around the first time... welcome back! Nice project you got goin there... is that a recent pic?
  10. Hoosier Daddy

    Pop's Christmas Gift.

    That is so cool! and I agree, any gift from my kids that they made means so much to me it gets top billing on the present list! Your dad is very lucky to have a son like you who cares enough to put so much thought and effort into his gift... Bet it's hanging in his Garage Mahal before New Years
  11. Hoosier Daddy

    Went to NAPA @ lunch

    Thanks Neil! Voice of experiance is always better than the mearly educated :read: And that update on the electronic flasher is great!
  12. Hoosier Daddy

    Went to NAPA @ lunch

    I can't take credit for the cross referance leg work. I saw that posted elsewhere and just wanted to pass on that these are all good #'s and added current pricing for the ones I ordered. I will be stopping by after work today to pick them up... to busy to get away for lunch, eating out of the...
  13. Hoosier Daddy

    Request for posting

    Oh MAN! This is gonna be fun! Thats "fun" as in stay up late, lots of coffee, red eyed, banging your head against the wall. it will be a living post, almost done then "BAM" someone will notice something we forgot... and 80-81's may not be exactly the same as 82-83's, then there is the Standards...
  14. Hoosier Daddy

    Went to NAPA @ lunch

    Thanks, I debated on where to post this and decided the "Goldwing and other M/C Links" by it's description was where it belonged... Oh well, now it will get double exposure. ;)
  15. Hoosier Daddy

    Went to NAPA @ lunch

    Just got back from our local NAPA Auto Parts store where I ordered the following parts.... Timing Belts GL1000 & GL1100 Note: x2 on GL1100s NAPA #250274 - $26.99 ea Oil Filter for GL1000 & GL1100 Napa PS4940 - $5.99 Cam Seals Note: x2 on GL1100s Napa #ATM 2117994 - $6.09 ea...
  16. Hoosier Daddy

    Went to NAPA @ lunch

    Just got back from our local NAPA Auto Parts store where I ordered the following parts.... Timing Belts GL1000 & GL1100 Note: x2 on GL1100s NAPA #250274 - $26.99 ea Oil Filter for GL1000 & GL1100 Napa PS4940 - $5.99 Cam Seals Note: x2 on GL1100s Napa #ATM 2117994 - $6.09 ea...
  17. Hoosier Daddy

    Cycle X I have bought parts from Ken at Cycle Exchange and wanted to pass the info on to you guys. They specialize in custom parts for CB's but many of their parts will fit our GL's. The complete chome headlight assembly I got was under $50 and looks great...
  18. Hoosier Daddy

    Front fork "brace"?

    The fork brace helps hold the forks perpendicular and prevents them from bowing/ flexing under stess. SIMULATION Since they do nothing to the spring rates, if your tubes are straight they should eliminate binding and not increase the harshness of the ride. In fact, just the opposite, it should...
  19. Hoosier Daddy

    Need a little help with the badges.

    I think all you guys did a good job! It's amazing the attention to detail we give these old wings... :salute:
  20. Hoosier Daddy

    Need a little help with the badges.

    I was going to suggest using baking soda instead of sand, much gentler so it might just work. I have a Blow Gun that came with a Siphon Sprayer attachment to spray parts with solvent and air pressure. It's an Amflo AMF220TD. like this one. You...