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Classic Goldwings

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  1. tom foreman

    Memorial weekend plans

    I got a daddy daughter ride on the way over to my wife's family reunion. Connie ,my 9 year old.i grilled for 41 :music: and wife camped out in my van.took wife on ride..great weekend.. :salute:
  2. tom foreman


    Kool,nothing like daddy,daughter rides. :music:
  3. tom foreman

    what do you,do ? when it rains..

    well,the 82 1100 standard.wing is ,ill work on this 54 triumph and a few :salute: .still have 85 1200 project.putting v-max side air pods on my 85 wing.wiring-up my daughters house just passed first inspection. :music: . :builder: :salute: what do you do?.on rain days.
  4. tom foreman

    What did you do to your Wing today ?

    rain sucks, :fiddle: :sensored: :head bang: :moped: time to detail it.and look at it.
  5. tom foreman

    Cancelled)first midwest spring-fling classic goldwing riders rain for about a hour. Good call bad winds ,just came and went the storm.and just got Internet back august or if sooner.eveverybody tell me your good time.i,l do the math..and come up with a date to get the most people here...rain or shine meet and greet...tom :music: :salute:
  6. tom foreman

    Hello all

    welcome from southern ill :music:
  7. tom foreman

    What did you do to your Wing today ?

    Ya I put my shield back on.foggy,cold at midnite,but got newboots.time to ride.lovemy midnight rides. :moped: :moped: :music:
  8. tom foreman

    Unusual Engines......

    :sensored: kool.. :good:
  9. tom foreman

    Can they do this to motorcycles as well???

    same with guns..they can try..mine in left hand..throttle of wing in right saying. :moped: :sensored: people. :salute: have a beer and chill-out.these people in government need a drink,most of the time. :salute:
  10. tom foreman


    wow,great find... :music: :salute:
  11. tom foreman

    This jerk needs to be found.

    thanks,for the offer..but I,m retired..but still.. :rant: :whip: makes a man think.. :sensored: people.. :salute: to being retired.. :music:
  12. tom foreman


    welcome from southern ill..i,m from aurora..retired to southern ill.i know hinkley,and all those little towns up there.. :music:
  13. tom foreman

    What did you do to your Wing today ?

    ok,went for 30 mile ride with wife for mothers day.went over tracks that blew out on us 3 weeks,at all rode and wife are 525 lbs plus lower if you are large,like me you might want bigger shocks.notice I said I was big/not wife...I,ll mount a custom bracket for air...
  14. tom foreman

    PICT3 install

    the fast idle cam.has to be adjusted first.on top 4 thousands is where to start.then big screw,small screw,adjustment..choke should be 12 volt,make sure you have power,did you ground carb?plus 12 volt goes to fuel should have 2 hots and a ground coming off of carb.1 hot =choke.2=fuel...
  15. tom foreman

    Mechanicals fixation

    like when, the kid down the street gets a mini bike.and sees my bike.or around here 4 wheelers..and stops help him work on his bike,and show him:".its not what you ride..its if you ride..." then he or she will prejudice..i enjoy helping,the kids,all over my...
  16. tom foreman

    What did you do to your Wing today ?

    finished my shock-exchange/85 1200 shocks on a 82 sits up 3 inches at 35lbs of air.rides even better.going for long ride today,with wife.had to swap out shock bushings.but that was it.air lines are shorter.i have a u bolt holding air valve,for now.time to detail-it,and ride...
  17. tom foreman

    What did you do to your Wing today ?

    Great job,and looks great.. :salute:
  18. tom foreman

    Cancelled)first midwest spring-fling classic goldwing riders

    Well,it's going to rain next weekend. So i,m canceling. The meet and greet..hope to have one after rain season..tom.p.s sorry for any inconvenience, s to anybody. :thanks:
  19. tom foreman

    Cancelled)first midwest spring-fling classic goldwing riders

    Thanks,dan..everybody's welcome. I,l make beer brats friday,saturday,chips country time lemonade,coffee sweet tea.water in a bottle,and if I get a money/business call this week.i,l get more food.tom :moped: :music2: :music2: :builder: :beer :ahem: :salute: : Saturday night is jam...