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Classic Goldwings

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  1. zman

    Motorycle For Sale 1980 Interstate 1100 for sale regretfully

    OK I need to sell my Goldwing cause money don't grow on trees sell it for 2500 it has 16K original has been my baby now for 10 some years and is meticulously maintained. here`s a link to craigslist ad I am dropping the ad price in a few days or week so I just lowered it here. It is in Southern...
  2. zman

    GL1200 W/Vetter Terraplane sidecar and more South Ok.

    Ran across a trailer full of scooters and an 84 GL1200 The guy is cleaning out his father property all bikes have been used by the father but told me he cant find paperwork Contact Electric motor repair at 8AM-5PM 580-223-8940
  3. zman

    Tx 83 $350 with those specials engine covers

    Forget who makes them but if someone wants them they have that and all the rest for 350 maybe 300 with negotiation
  4. zman

    Question for those who have rebuilt rear shocks

    The question is does the shock dampen in both direction or only on the upstroke, I can push the piston down easier then pulling up. I have them disassembled now. Any thoughts.
  5. zman

    Anyone use these gasket/oring sets

    Have an oil leak from the weep hole on my 1100, want to just replace the oring seal and gasket but just because would be nice to have the other stuff incase things get out of hand...
  6. zman

    standard 81` with windjammer BIN $1325 NY

    Still looks nice, Like the color...
  7. zman

    Intersting faring for the 1100?

    Not sure if it is a sportier option, looks like the Goldwing color and styling...
  8. zman

    76 Yellow survivor $1900 N. Dallas TX

    Here is one in north Dallas , looks like much of it will clean up, I cant save it.
  9. zman

    1976 LTD Don't even think about it.

    Gotta laugh out of this one but looks legit, and a nice looking bike.
  10. zman

    Is there a 12volt plug for the cigarette lighter inside the faring

    Trying to decide if I need one with wires or is there a plug ready inside.
  11. zman

    Clean 79` near Tulsa Ok $500 needs work
  12. zman

    1000 parts Wylie Tx

    Found this vetter stuff seat etc.
  13. zman

    1/4" polyurethane fuel line question

    I seem to remember someone(maybe Dan) posted they tried it and it fit tighter then regular fuel line, and does it bend well enough for corners without kinking? also I use the 3011 napa gold fuel filter are there any new finds in filter that will fit into the filter mount?
  14. zman

    I`m back

    Been so long ,Some may know I escaped California for Oklahoma in late 2015 registered to vote in Ok just in time for 2016, looked for a home while living with my sister but her kids were coming home from college so I bought a bumper pull and moved it into a large shop. Rough living for about 2...
  15. zman

    Taxi driver unwittingly catches the muzzle flash at the Mandalay bay

    I have been all over this since it happened, This tragedy really breaks my heart for the people and families involved and may god be with them... but what also astonishes me is that a millionaire ,happily retired, a pilot with a couple planes, no political affiliation, and no history of crime...
  16. zman

    nice 1000 cafe build..

    not sure if this was seen already..good work...wonder where the battery is? not sure if any of these links work.
  17. zman

    Pimped 82+trailer $900? Lewisville Tx

    Seems like a deal even if you just need a trailer, cant really understand what he`s saying about the bike. ... 89645.html
  18. zman

    Pretty 99 Voyager Tx. CL

    I sure like to see that there are still some gems out there, I know it is not a Honda but still.
  19. zman

    82 CX 500 turbo for you Texans CL.$1900

    In case Santa brings you a couple thousand.
  20. zman

    Nice 75`$2800 Plano Tx CL

    If you need one, and live nearby.