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Classic Goldwings

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  1. M

    Tx 83 $350 with those specials engine covers

    Those side covers are rare. Had a silver 82 Aspy with Terraplane sidecar back when new. Dealer offered them from a paper catalog. What internet? My current 83 Interstate also with TP has a pair. Got luck with color matched with my black Wing. Only other set I’ve seen in over 10 years.
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    Pros and Cons of Buying a '80s Goldwing

    Put a side hack on it. You’ll never have to put your feet down again.
  3. M

    1975 GL1000, Original and unrestored, excellent condition

    ABS cement is great for the plastic bits. I know GL 78 and early 80s. Not sure if any of 75 tank is plastic. ABS and mesh melds into one very strong bond. I even back filled steel plates in my Califia trunk to mount arm rests. Added strength without putting stress at the plate edges against the...
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    81 GL 1100 Fork Seals

    Google search "progressive fork springs". There are dozens of online sale sites for generic springs. Or go directly to Progressive. Fork Spring Kit | Progressive Suspension
  5. M

    Bike lift jack

    I have a HF jack for my 83 GL. Bit on the full load rating of the lift, but worked well. Plenty of straps before taking up in the air. I also put a wrench on the bigger hardware to loosen first. Would not want to be wrenching too hard with the bike off the ground. Worked great to take both...
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    Restoring an old GL1100

    Punxsutawney Phil said 6 more weeks of winter. He forgot to say they wouldn't be all in a row!!!
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    Well CRAP...

    “No damage done” Might need to rebuild your starter after turning it all day long!!!
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    Sidecar or Trike

    I rode Goldwing side hack rig in the early ‘80s for a few years. Last fall acquired an identical Vetter Terraplane for my 10 year old new to me ‘83 Interstate. Last year saw myself needing to move to three wheels. Nine hundred pound bike was just getting too heavy. Liked the trikes, but having...
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    '77 with kickstart!

    My original 78 didn’t have kick start, but if the battery wasn’t strong enough to turn over engine you couldn’t get enough spark to push start it. So kick start wouled have been useless. I bought a basket case 78 few years back. Some PO must have replaced rear case. It had the kick adapter and...
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    Tire Pressure Monitor System

    Thanks, AApple. Looks like I agree with the threads, $150 is too high. Seems like they go off on a wrong turn about cell phones. I have found a couple of different units. Guess my best solution is a pair of gauges. At least cheaper. I miss Texas, but not going back to Houston. Rick J
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    Tire Pressure Monitor System

    Has anyone used one of these systems on the front / rear shocks? How well do they work for low pressure in the front? Systems I've looked at have a small key fob and replacement valve caps with transmitter. Rick J.