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Classic Goldwings

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  1. mouse.hunt

    mechanic wanted

    Thank you!!!!
  2. mouse.hunt

    mechanic wanted

    Thanks for the offers to help, guys! My whole problem is finding someone to do the work. My BF has his plate full of projects and does not want to do the work himself. The local shop charges $75 an hour and is willing to work on the bike but I was hoping to find someone more "reasonable". I...
  3. mouse.hunt

    mechanic wanted

    We have a 1983 GL1100 Aspencade that needs some help. It has been in storage for a year and now it won't start. The local Honda shop has agreed to work on it for us but I have been unemployed for 6 months and just don't have 'shop' money. We are looking for a mechanic in or near Olympia, WA...