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Classic Goldwings

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  1. scdmarx

    Honda trail...

    I rode a 90 step thru for a year in high school. Now Honda is making these 125's. My son bought 2 - his & hers. Centrifugal clutch, still it gets up and screams. You can pop wheelies on these things. Quite impressive. Accessorizing "hers" first, we upgraded from the 17mm carb to a 22mm carb...
  2. scdmarx

    what did you do today

    Finally got the driveway drivable again. I live on a rock. During heavy rain water runs off the mountain like flushing a toilet. This last storm that blew up from the gulf a few days ago carved a 2' deep canyon down my driveway. Not very wide, but a lot of unavoidable switchbacks. Mama got her...
  3. scdmarx

    The curse of The Turd strikes again....

    I always replace the valve stem when I do new tires. But even that's no guarantee. If it could happen, it probably will.
  4. scdmarx

    Memorial Weekend ride through tornado alley

    Hey, you went right past my mountain. We stayed home with a house full of relatives and watched the storms from the front porch swing. The 26th is our 33rd anniversary. House is empty now. Gonna be cleaning up for a week.
  5. scdmarx

    Post a bike you wanted but never had

    Indian Chief and the Gilmore Indian.
  6. scdmarx

    No club for me here

    I'm an introvert and uncomfortable riding in groups. Can't ride anymore anyhow. Would be nice to go for a ride once in awhile. We got some nice roads in north central Arkansas.
  7. scdmarx

    Coulda been werse...

    Glad you could tell the story now. Habit: Don't ride behind vehicles that are so big/tall that you can't see in front of them. You can't just look at the car in front of you. You need to be seeing what's going on 10 cars ahead of that one. Brake lights, signals, texting weavers, etc....
  8. scdmarx

    How is everyone??

    Got the chicken tractor up and running. Had to hurry up and get the functional part done for winter, still gotta finish up some trim. I just move it around to a new spot every couple days with the tractor. Free range confinement. They should start producing eggs pretty soon. The 5gallon bucket...
  9. scdmarx

    starter keeps going bad

    Chinese starter!??!???!!!! Slowly I turned Step by step Inch by inch....
  10. scdmarx

    Squeaky Front Brakes

    Squeak is vibration. So anti-rattle springs are important, as well as caliper lube. As mentioned earlier, deglaze the rotor surface, and deglaze pad surfaces if they've been used. Grind a 45 degree bevel on the leading edge of the pads. (Some pads are manufactured this way) Upon assembly, take...
  11. scdmarx

    Finally crowned

    Had to look again. I thought it said Norton.
  12. scdmarx

    Points/Condenser ignition system versus Electronic Ignition Systems/Upgrades

    Easier starts because of hotter spark available. Smoother at high rpm because there is no point float or bounce. (Transistor replaced the spring) Makes good sense. When EI burns out, you're dead in the water. When points burn out, or condenser shorts, you're "just as" dead in the water. Either...
  13. scdmarx

    what did you do today

    6 hour ribs. Snake and the bird nest method.
  14. scdmarx

    Long ride in a single day and night

    Hovercraft. Problem solved.
  15. scdmarx

    Long ride in a single day and night

    I think my CB750 was the most reliable bike I've ever owned. With the timing just right and the carbs sync'd, you didn't even hear the starter engage. It just fired to life when I touched the button. Every time! I was sure they came out in 1974. But..... my memory ain't what it used to be...
  16. scdmarx

    Long ride in a single day and night

    I had a 1978 CB750. Good 'ol points & condenser.
  17. scdmarx

    Long ride in a single day and night

    Also did Ventura, CA to Albuquerque, NM. I think that one took about 17 hours. Better bike and better finances. Not much sight seeing at all. Gotta get there Gotta get there...
  18. scdmarx

    Long ride in a single day and night

    Compton, CA. to Osceola, IA. On a hardtail flathead 4 spd with a springer. 3 days. Back in another life.
  19. scdmarx

    What is your dream ride/trip?

    America. With lonely roads and good weather. No cops or game wardens arresting me for shooting a rabbit and cooking it on the side of the road or acting like they own all the damn fish in the creek. Cheap gas and cold beer.
  20. scdmarx

    what did you do today

    Elusive. Currently settling for pork.