well tuna ...its not like it pulls wheelies like a crotch rocket can ...oldwings are very low center of gravity ...but hooch will come off the ground if you hit second gear hard ...cant be much but it for sure dose it ...when i had the the 1100 swing arm in hooch its first gear was lower than a 80 modle 1100...sheesh and before that i had the 1000 swinarm in ...with these set ups hooch was a wild unbroken horse that hated riders and flat out not going to type what happen to me it has 1200 swinarm and car tire and is very tall geared and it will still bounce the wheel off the ground in second gear ..personally i dont mess with first gear ..i know better after the flight it took where no part of the bike was on the ground or road .. :help: :hihihi: .