I've started back in riding since the weather has cooled down from the scorching heat we've had this summer. Having an issue with the clutch now. Lever felt a lil spongy by the time I got to the shop Monday, and upon checking the fluid, the master was basically DRY. NO external leakage anywhere. I filled the master and rode on home that evening, no problem. Tied the lever down overnight, and Tuesday it was fine until I got stuck in traffic. A couple of times the bike wanted to lurch forward with the clutch pulled in. Another pull on the lever and had full clutch again. So I figured I better go ahead and get the stuff to rebuild the master AND slave cylinders before something nasty happens. Ordered a combo kit that has the seals, and new pistons for both master and slave from a place on ebay. Stuff should be here either Fri or Sat. Hopefully I can get both done this weekend. Service manual shows the slave to be fairly easy to get to. Just hope neither of the cylinders are too bad/corroded to be reused. Wishes me luckies!!