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Classic Goldwings

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There was a lot of discussion on the knocking thread, but bottom line is I am under the opinion that the lower end is worn out or some other level is bad.  I look into bearings, rings and seals to overhaul and I was looking at over $500 in parts! :shock:   I can find a good running engine on Ebay for less than $200!  (I is a gamble).  Up to that point...I stayed within 1 hours distance from home thinking the engine would just stop running or blow up and I would have to have my wife come get me.  If it is any consulation....that engine ran and ran and ran.     I started driving faster and harder and it did not make any difference.  I started winding out the gears to 7K RPM to see if that made any difference.....NOPE!   I soon realize that even though the engine more than likely is worn is bullet proof!!!!! :clapping:  :mrgreen:

One thing that does bother me is that at 70 MPH, the engine is up at 5200 RPM and is real noisy.  I keep hearing about how '82 and '83 engines are geared differently and decide I would look for one.  I find an '83 with about 48K on it for $110 on Ebay!   :clapping:  :music:    (Shipping is $176 :rant: )

I get It!!  What a great find:

[ATTACH=full]2323[/ATTACH] is a little dirty...BUT ITS AN '83!  I keep the bike on the road and decide to swap engines over winter and have the carbs done at the same time.
