well this is not a ordinary wing project ....picked up a pto generator that runs on a rather big power tractor thinking about 65 hp might be a bit weak or bottom line of say it weighs 1000 pounds was all the trailer could handle ...making it manditory i ride the bike....who knows i might run the set up with a wing motor ...but its very nice as is ... a tractor can this about any where to use it ...tractors are just behind horses as getting you there lol....the generator is powerful 60,000 kilowatts is set up now with a 200 amp main fuse is on a small trailer as farm equipent gose but has car are fram rim wheels..havnt looked that close at that ...its a gamble last person couldnt get it going ...ill try it looked nice to me inside .. wire is huge and generator is a real continuous rated deal ...ill star anothe thread on it soon and take pics