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Classic Goldwings

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there's lots of oversize pistons etc. Honda make them.  list of the sizes on CSMNL .  .25, .50 .75 and 1.0

mine are .25 over( i think it means 25 thou oversize )  they were hard to find ( oem ) and bloody expensive. there is no problem boring these out. i think it's the crankshaft that can't be ground. but if you have enough money you can do anything. ( thats not me  :beg: )

an interesting thing i learned from the machine shop was that HONING is part of the Boring process. ( or should be ). the cylinder is bored to a size just under what is needed, and the final few thou is taken off in the honing process.

i might get a washer under the slides/needles and see what happens. cant hurt . :eek:k:
