While removing the instrument cluster from my 83 interstate I heard the air hiss from the crossover line on the front shocks. I lifted the line to see where the leak was and it broke in another place, :crying: It surprised me how weathered and brittle it was.
Fearing the 15 to 20 bucks the Honda stealer might charge, I tried four auto supply stores first with no luck.
At the Honda shop click, click on the computer and “Sorry, no longer available” I asked, “what’s a guy to do?”. Two salesmen and two answers: get a newer bike.....go without air shocks. :head bang: Neither worked for me.
Last shot, the local NAPA dealer. Gold! :yahoo:
The tubing is for a semi tractor brake line and the ferrules allow you to use the origional fittings.
Tubing part # NT10002BK-100, .23 cents per foot.
Ferrule part # 601 X 2, .25 cents each two required.
Add .06 cents for the state and my total bill was .79 cents! Life is good. :clapping: