Ride Report,
A couple of things happened after the first ride report, and into the second ride, I noticed that the trans was shifting very poorly.
trans was acting up, and shifting was not very smooth like it had been.
I was thinking this could not be the intake, could it, take from a stop and the trans shifting weird, couldn't be.
Even with Rev.2 Take off from a stop was kinda funny, not quite right.
So I remembered i had done a Engine flush with 1/2 quart of ATF in the engine, even the engine was not very smooth like it was.
I drained & chained the oil, slapped on a new oil filter.
When i was draining the oil I was noticing How Dark Black the oil was, with only 300 miles on the oil change.
I shined a light on the oil while it was draining, I could not see light through the oil. The Oil was black as coal.
Remember, I bought this bike for $400.00, with a frozen motor, it had blown both head gaskets, which means they overheated the engine.
i also had to clean out the cooling lines in the engine as another sign of over heating the engine, oil/coolant mixing due to head gasket failure, the cooling line had a thick tar sutance of solidified oil in the coolant lines from teh top of the engine down to the front of the trans cover.
Just like Dan had on his 83' GL1100, thanks Dan for that tutorial of how to clean those coolant lines
I started the engine after the oil change engine was super smooth.
Took bike out for a ride I immediately noticed that it would take off from a dead stop much better, and the trans shifted very smooth again like it used to.
The engine power was very smooth, and acceleration was better than before, and Very smoooooth!!.
The Rev.3 pulls good from 2k rpm up to redline.
But!, Once the engine hits 3k rpm, the bike jumps forward, you can tell where the cams starts to make power.
The bike is Fast!!!!
I am completely satisfied with the low end, Mid range and upper Power and Torque.
My bike pulls from 2k rpm in 4th gear like it did with rev.1, Torque is really good.
Power with Rev.3, is more than enough, every where in the power band, It is fun to ride, exhilarating, a great cruiser, commuter, City bike, Hot Rod!!! :mrgreen: .
If someone would have told me before i had started doing the Single carb conversion, challenge, that they would ride like this, i would not have believed them, and would have thought it was all a load of B.S.
It is not B.S.
I still dont have a second MPG report to give, and i dont want to even consider the first report.