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Classic Goldwings

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I've been fixing up and cleaning up the GL1200A. Installing a 4gal aux fuel tank to the pillion seat, installed my Air Hawk. Been doing several short 1-2hr rides this past week doing systems checks. About the only failure is I can't get my blasted Garmin Nuvi396 bluetooth to even see, much less connect to, my Sena SMH5. I know the Sena is old but both are running Bluetooth 3.0, but No Joy.

So for TODAY I took a test ride up to Howland, was shooting for Medway but I was just too damn cold. Had my electric vest on but forgot my gauntlet gloves and nothing to layer up with. :(  This ride Siri wouldn't listen to me. All this high tech is cool when it works but a PITA when it doesn't.

All this in preparation for a IronButt Association "Ride Around Maine" starting Saturday about midnight. If I'd created this ride I would have made it slightly different, like using 1A down through Limestone instead of Caribou and on out to Lubec not just Calais. Just about 1050 miles with a 26hr time window. This would be a breeze on the interstates but there is only about 80 miles. This ride is mostly 2 lane pavement and dirt/gravel during the road work season.

I'd like to do it Sunday but we've have such rainy weather gotta take the weather window when it opens!

Anyone up this way like to come for a ride? :)
