Recent content by KingCoder

Classic Goldwings

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  1. KingCoder

    Looking for part number!

    Thank you all so much. I thought I was going crazy when I couldn’t find the rubber. I got some high temp rubber and I am going to cut my own. Goldwing riders are truly the best!
  2. KingCoder

    Looking for part number!

    No, the cylinderblock is sealed tight. This is the heat shield attached to the head. The gap is that of the heat shield and cylinderblock
  3. KingCoder

    Looking for part number!

    Hello, I have an 83’ I have been rebuilding and am in the final stages of putting the engine back together. I have been looking for the timing bel heat shield gaskets. No matter what I have searched I cannot find them. Below is the gap. I see nothing in my manual or on diagrams of this gasket...
  4. KingCoder

    Diagnosing charging system

    Hey guys, got a problem and I have no clue how to find the failure. After I removed my stator I found the case had a hole in it where the rotor spins. However, the rotor shows no wear. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. I have ordered a new back case so I can get my engine back...
  5. KingCoder

    Happy Merry Christmas...

    Merry Christmas! Hope your day is full or family and love!
  6. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    Slowly painting all the pieces. The frame has taken me over a month of sanding and I am still not done, might need to rethink how I am going about that. Also how do I go about protecting the bike info on the frame? I ordered some bearings from CMSNL so thank you guys so much for the tip! If...
  7. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    I will be done sandblasting soon and I will be using ceramic engine paint to coat it. I was able to find rings, I have been having issues finding crank/piston bearings. Any links where I might find those?
  8. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    I am talking to a machine shop near me to see if they can clean it for me to paint. I honestly didn't know you could even paint them till I found this engine painted.
  9. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    Giving the case a bit of a cleaning tonight. Starting to look nice. This was black a few hours ago
  10. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    Actually have made a ton of progress. The engine has been completely disassembled and is being cleaned at the moment. I have been trying to decide on what color I was my plastics and fake tank. (Have been thinking about purple). i rebuilt all the brakes and the forks and will hopefully be...
  11. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    Almost completely disassembled and ready to be restored!
  12. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    After pulling out my steel bar (The But Buster) I was able to break loose both sides and get the swingarm free The person before me used something wired and fused the metal of the bolt and the nut. The Allen was the only way I was able to get the thing off. Thank you all for the help/suggestions.
  13. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    it looks like someone was chopping pieces off of this lock nut. Any clue on how to remove one of these? I tried a freewheel tool (FR-6), but it still won’t move or budge. Could really use a hint to get swing arm off.
  14. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    I don’t know, but the damn groundhog lied to me again this year and said I would get to ride early!
  15. KingCoder

    Restoring an old GL1100

    In the garage this morning it’s 29 degrees and windy as could be. I went riding last weekend on my BMW so it should be warming up soon. Where are you from?