Recent content by mcgovern61

Classic Goldwings

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  1. mcgovern61

    83 GL1100i seat pan

    The seat pan itself is the same for all 1100's. The foam and cover would change depending on which model. They all attach the same with the three levels of adjustment forward or backward.
  2. mcgovern61

    Damn quiet around here!

    The Lees-ure-Lite was going to be my next trailer as a step up from my tag-a-long cargo trailer and tent. But I have to admit, the tag-a-long sure held a lot of cargo and the 8 person cabin tent was huge for one person!
  3. mcgovern61

    i'm back out riding

    Glad to see you out there William!
  4. mcgovern61

    Damn quiet around here!

    Could be. I don't have any experience with a full face helmet, but claustrophobia can happen at any time for no reason.
  5. mcgovern61

    Damn quiet around here!

    Since selling the Slug back in May 2021, I haven't ridden since. I stopped before some of my conditions worsened. (I was able to put off knee replacement as a result.) For me, my arthritis is so significant I don't think riding again would be a smart idea. I am 64 and hope to fully retire by...
  6. mcgovern61

    GL1100 carb mystery.

    Here's to hoping that was it!
  7. mcgovern61

    GL1100 carb mystery.

    Another thing will cause stumble off idle, the sync being off at higher RPM. I used to first bench sync, then idle sync with a hot engine and then sync at 3K rpm to verify all carbs are pulling the same. One time I had a good sync at idle, but could not get a good sync at 3K plus there was a...
  8. mcgovern61

    GL1100 carb mystery.

    If the accel pump diaphragm disintegrated, that is not good. There are chances that pieces of that diaphragm circulated the carbs. One other place I would look is the right here in each carb right below the butterfly. These holes can easily clog:
  9. mcgovern61

    Plans for 2025?

    Steve, I am so sorry to hear that. I cannot imagine the loss.
  10. mcgovern61

    Lost key

    There is a key code on each of the locks. You might be able to go to Honda with the key code. The helmet lock might be the easiest to see. It is the same as the ignition.
  11. mcgovern61

    Well...chit...(pt. deux)

    Oh man Joel! I am praying that the stent is working and that it was the only area that needed to be corrected. It is not called the widow maker for no reason. GET WELL!
  12. mcgovern61

    Springs on false tank

    To install the springs on my shelter, the lid had to be fully up in order to set the springs with no tension.
  13. mcgovern61

    New to the Goldwing

    Welcome to the site from Tennessee! When we got our '82 1100, it had a blown engine, everything was rusted solid and in non-working order. My daughters and I approached everything with the attitude, "Someone put this bike together, someone can take it a part and I am a someone!". Here is the...
  14. mcgovern61

    White Smoke

    Yes! Engine revving by itself is leaking gas!
  15. mcgovern61

    White Smoke

    You do not need to replace the rings, but they do need to come around after sitting. With all of the various oils used to free up the engine, those oils are also sitting the exhaust system now. Plus, there is also a chance that you have excess gasoline running past the carbs into the engine...