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Classic Goldwings

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  1. captpuget


    No, you can't win if you don't play, but, statistically, you can't win if you do play either. (I buy tickets twice a week.)
  2. captpuget

    What did you do to your Wing today ?

    I took off the large Plexifaring and put on a much smaller wind shield. It's not something I wanted to do, but the Plexifaring lost a socket to hold it to the support arm and nothing I tried would fix it. You really can't glue metal to metal on something that vibrates so much.
  3. captpuget

    Greetings from rain world.

    Thanks again, everyone. So, I sort of feel bad for complaining about rain seeing where you all are from. I get wet a lot, but it never gets terribly cold and doesn't snow much around here.
  4. captpuget

    Greetings from rain world.

    Thanks everyone.
  5. captpuget

    Greetings from rain world.

    A Wing newbie here from Washington Sate, USA, wherre record rains have fallen since I bought my bike.