Greetings from rain world.

Classic Goldwings

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Welcome to the site from the far east (New Jersey :hihihi: ) :clapping:

I spent the better part of three years building ferry boats out on Whidby Island and over in Seattle. I always came home feeling like a wet duck! :smilie_happy:

Summer is real nice though! :clapping:
Thanks again, everyone.

So, I sort of feel bad for complaining about rain seeing where you all are from. I get wet a lot, but it never gets terribly cold and doesn't snow much around here.
Welcome fron central Calif. Back in 60 I was stationed at Ft. Lewis. That is the only place they issued me a full ruberized suit With guloshes. When I asked what they were for they said "YOU'L SEE". For the next 3 weeks that was the uniform of the day. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
Welcome to the CGW Forums, captpuget!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: