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Classic Goldwings

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  1. Hoosier Daddy

    Worlds smallest running V8

    Nah, David Stacey from "Trucks" or "Gears" on Speedchannel built one. They are a good sized lawn mowers Hydro-stat trans so it's all fluid coupling and as stated are real low speed, but will still pull a wheelie!
  2. Hoosier Daddy

    Another Newcomer

    Welmome from a fellow 1100 lover... and I have never hear mine run yet!!!! Good catch on the belt. Hey got any pics of the '80 or your '83? We love pics!
  3. Hoosier Daddy

    Read your plugs!

    Love it! The first link is realistic for plugs that have been in for tens of thousands of miles. Do not expect to see this between oil changes. Remeber, back in the day, Automotive engines were recommended to have a tune-up (plugs, condensor, points and check cap, rotor) at 30,000 miles. Then in...
  4. Hoosier Daddy

    Front and rear shock air preasure guages

    I can send you the small panels they are currently in so you will get the mounting brackets on the back and valves. They are small and wont add too much to the shipping. you will need the small poly air hose
  5. Hoosier Daddy

    Front and rear shock air preasure guages

    Oh that was TOOOOO easy! How about the ones I posted the pics of in your thread? Problem is, I don't know if they work. The Old Battleaxe was stored outside when I got her for who knows how long. I'll trade you even up for a Randakks...
  6. Hoosier Daddy

    Worlds smallest running V8

    Now they're just Yuwents
  7. Hoosier Daddy


    If it turns out we all get those.... would we be the Black Sheep Squadron?
  8. Hoosier Daddy

    Rough idle on 1980 GL1100

    I agree... if the charging system output is ok, check voltage supply to the coils.
  9. Hoosier Daddy


    I am building my own seat for the Cafe-nated wing and thought about the memory foam as well. Might buy one of the pillows made of the same and cut it up...
  10. Hoosier Daddy

    Looking for a good idea,......

    Well I googled the terms Goldwing, suspension, air pressure, and gauges in every combination I could thing of and could find no reference to these gauges. They have the Goldwing script and a wing logo, maybe they were Honda accessories, maybe aftermarket. So I went out in the garage and dug...
  11. 81 aspencade

    81 aspencade

  12. Hoosier Daddy

    Looking for a good idea,......

    In your gauges do you have two gauges for Front and Rear suspension air pressure? My Donor bike "Ole Battle-Axe" has nifty "Goldwing" script ones on each side but down lower towards the engine shrouds. You can see the right one here just ahead of the intake runner.
  13. Hoosier Daddy

    Daaaang it's COLD!!

    When I first read this I thought "Yea, so", it January... then I saw where you guys are from!!! Holey Crap, thats cold for down there! Poor southern boys, your blood is thinner from all the heat down there... Oh and I CAN'T STAND the heat! That "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" is BOLOGNA...
  14. Hoosier Daddy

    Goldwing drill team.

    +1 to that plskthompson1! it takes lots of practice and dedication for that short show! after 4 years of HS Marching Band I was in Drum Corps... Madison Scouts... many years ago.
  15. Hoosier Daddy

    -08F... PAAALEASE

    Got up this morning and noticed a chill in the house, odd. I had a fire in the fireplace when I went to bed so I left the flue open, YIKES! The thermometer says -08F! I had big plans for the day. It's the first day of winter Trap / Skeet leagues and we are meeting at the range @10:30 AM. Then I...
  16. Hoosier Daddy

    Newbie here

    Welcome straydog... so do we have to feed you to keep you around?
  17. basic 12-3

    basic 12-3

  18. Right


  19. left

