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Classic Goldwings

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  1. Hoosier Daddy

    Old Girlfriend...

    those last pics ought to be a Vegas postcard... Very nice there Ohmega Man
  2. Hoosier Daddy

    My Ride the "Raptor"

    ... and all that powder coating instead of paint!!! :clapping:
  3. Hoosier Daddy

    Flat bed trailor.

    You got a welder? There are trailer kits available like the H.F. unit... OR you could custome build your ideal dream trailer... probably cost more in the long run.
  4. Hoosier Daddy

    Good to be here "again"

    Now that some funny S**t right there!
  5. Hoosier Daddy

    Good to be here "again"

    Hey Neil! Thought I'd pop in and check out the new diggs myself
  6. Hoosier Daddy

    New here, but not to Gls

    Welcome o-wise-one! I too am a recent shared member. Several familiar folks.... Seems that post on NGW about the sight crash here may have brought some good out of a bad thing!
  7. Hoosier Daddy

    GL 1100A/Sidecar

    Same vintage, same paint, best looking hack set-up I've seen in a long time... Maybe I need to "rethink" parting out that Old Battleaxe donor bike :roll:
  8. Hoosier Daddy

    My Mad Max 82 Interstate

    I like the look, and that cutdown windscreen is mean! That took some "Out of the Box" thinking...way to go
  9. Hoosier Daddy

    '80 1100 affectionately known as "Phoenix"

    I don't think I ever saw the "before" pics... you come a long way already! Good job :clapping:
  10. Hoosier Daddy

    I'm Back

    DUDE! You're here Too?! Hows come none of you NGW guy's with 1100's let me in on it. Oh-oh the cats out of the bag... :grin:
  11. Hoosier Daddy

    South East GA reporting back in!!!

    Hey I know you!!! Going to be fun seeing who all checks in since I am a noob here.
  12. Hoosier Daddy

    I've been intro'ed already but meet my girl...

    Hey olered67 glad to see you're here! Yes she sure is purdy...
  13. Hoosier Daddy

    Hey, I'm Here!

    Thanks for the welcome, yeah it keeps me out of trouble. The Wifey works late and between the Bike build and this computer she always knows where I am :lol:
  14. Hoosier Daddy

    Hi all

    :shock: Definately a good buy for $50!!!
  15. Hoosier Daddy

    Hey, I'm Here!

    Hello all, Hoosier Daddy here, some of you may know me from NGW. I read about the sight crash and though I would come check it out. Seeing as this sight is devoted to 1100's I thought I'd register and get in on the ground floor. I currently have 2 GL1100's both are '81's. Here is a pic of my...