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Classic Goldwings

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  1. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    I know it's too early to tell only 200+ miles running with atf but I did another compression test and ............ one of the cylinders went up 10 lbs. and the other 3 cylinder showed 5 lb. increase each. That's a good indication in my mind that this will help. Also, I've filled up twice and...
  2. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    I'll probably have to go with the ride everyday option. My back and rearend gets to bugging me pretty good after 60 or 70 miles ( I know so does everyone's ) and I get really bored on the freeway. Have to see which way I go. Thanks for the encouragement. I never thought I'd be complaining about...
  3. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    thanks to all for advice. I put about 100 miles on bike with atf added. Just as predicted a lot of smoke on start up but when engine warmed up no noticeable smoking. cool. will keep on with this program for a few tanks of fuel and then do another compression test. I'll update when that happens. dave
  4. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    Ok. Two duh type questions, which flavor aft or could it matter, and how much smoking should I expect from adding att. Will I have to hide my face in embarrassment and run from the pollution police? dave
  5. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    I agree Joe regarding quality of guages. I have a high quality guage that did not have the right size plug adapter so I had to buy a cheap guage set that had the adapter I needed. However I got the same readings with both guages. I checked cause I wanted to see if the cheap set was accurate. Dave
  6. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    thanks again all. 1.Silly question, when you did your compression test, was the engine hot, plugs out, throttle held wide open and charger on the battery? (Just trying to help you get the best readings). engine cold but yes on everything else. 2. Also, that puff of startup smoke may not be...
  7. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    willing to try. Your recipe please, any details you'd like to divulge, my engine is hungry. :smilie_happy: dave
  8. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    Thanks for help. Not huge amounts of smoke out exhaust ( that's what is weird and no leaks to be found ) but usually good puff when starting up as these bikes can do. I'm thinking cylinder wall and ring condition is from many years of sitting around and not running. I've had this bike since 81 (...
  9. who444444

    low compression ideas/help

    Finally got around to checking my compression and what I got was 140 to 135 lbs. on each cylinder. After a squirt of oil down the spark plug hole each cylinder went up to 160+ lbs. My backyard mechanical knowledge tells me that probably the problem is ring related. I might be willing to remove...
  10. who444444

    Bertha's Single Carb Conversion Chapter Deaux Plus a major transplant revival

    sound great. put some miles on it and you might find that you won't have to do much with jetting. Enjoy. dave
  11. who444444

    marvel mystery oil in crankcase

    anyone use marvel mystery oil as an oil additive and if so any problems with wet clutch? thanks for your experiences and advice. dave
  12. who444444

    About 95% finished

    Very clean look. Very nice. dave
  13. who444444

    Suzie Q redux

    looking good so far. dave
  14. who444444

    76. Small oil drip from the timing covers

    Couldn't find cam seal on list on this forum but found the number for the seal I got for my 76 from Napa ATM 211 7994
  15. who444444

    76. Small oil drip from the timing covers

    Got my cam seals from napa can't remember part number but it's listed on the what parts fit what list on the quick stats on this forum. On my phone now and hard to find things with this small screen.
  16. who444444

    Suzie Q redux

    did you get a before weight so you can tell us how much you lost? :popcorn: dave
  17. who444444

    fiberglass mod on my 76

    I did have the exhaust straight back for a while a few years back. But I like the look better now. dave
  18. who444444

    fiberglass mod on my 76

    that was just the look I wanted. I wanted up swept along angle of frame.just had muffler shop bend a piece of pipe to angle I liked. dave
  19. who444444

    aftermarket exhaust

    I used the gl headers, harley mufflers and had an local muffler shop make up pipe to connect the two. works well and slightly louder than stock but still quiet. dave
  20. who444444

    Paint and Polish!

    :music: thanks for showing a good way to polish without too much elbow grease needed. dave