I was replacing my brake pads when I discovered I couldn't move the caliper piston back to the starting point, I'm not real experienced on brakes, what is a good way to get the piston unstuck?
Did it move, then stick, or did it not move at all? You can pump it out using the brake lever - or pedal. If it moves out, but won't go back in, the tiny return port in the master cylinder is probably clogged. Time for a good clean-out, and possibly rebuild. They're pretty simple once you get into them.
push it all the way out and clean it up is probably best. C clamp can often push the piston back in though it may get stuck tighter. I generally pry the old pads away from the rotor before loosening the calipers.
Lift the calliper by undoing one mounting bolt and lift so it is clear of the disc, using the brake leaver squeeze until it pops out. do the same on the other side to get that one out. However, once the piston is out you will have to refill and bleed the brakes. If one is stuck I think the wises move is to remove both callipers, use a brake clamp to pinch off the rubber hoses, if you have stainless steel just allow to empty out don't try and pinch them you will destroy the braided hose.
My guess is that you will need to refurbish (clean) the piston and cylinder. Go here to my build another one viewtopic.php?f=82&t=6999&start=105 and go down to post #108 where you will see a tool I got to release my own stuck pistons. If you carry on down after that post you will see how I cleaned and polished the cylinder, awaiting NEW pistons. Why because I tried to get them out using brute force trauma result one piston totalled. Just get a new seal kit and refit, re bleed with DOT 4 or 5 brake fluid.
Use that tool and I can guarantee that they will come out. I took my callipers off, split them and used soft jaws in my bench vice. The tool I got is a " General " make with a number 139D and it is a 1", I then used a 24mm ring spanner to turn it. I used a bit of WD40 or anything like it and started to turn it. First one way then backwards, the tool is automatic in that it will grip both ways. Once I got the piston turning quite well, I then turned and used upwards pressure on the spanner and it came right out.