well they graveled all the roads around me this last week ......its insane what they do around here they stream tar in about 7 to 10" strips down the road on paved and 1/2 paved roads and then dump pea gravel over the entire road and roll it.....in noway dose it stick to the small amount of tar that they put down ....then the cars pus it around and it collects in corners and the middle of the road at every crossroad all on the edges bottom of hills .....its the most dangerous stuff to ride on with a bike that ive ever done ......its like riding on rodes covered with ball bearings its insane ....you cant turn you cant stop ....
im so glad this stuff was mostly gone or washed off the roads when gerry came down to see me .....somtimes i wonder what anybody would think this is good for the roads......cars can get in quite the trouble and it ultimutly just fills the ditches up so they dont drain good ..... :rant: :sensored: :cheeky:
im so glad this stuff was mostly gone or washed off the roads when gerry came down to see me .....somtimes i wonder what anybody would think this is good for the roads......cars can get in quite the trouble and it ultimutly just fills the ditches up so they dont drain good ..... :rant: :sensored: :cheeky: