Gonna Have To Sell One Of The Bikes

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
Altadena, CA
I have a bit of a financial situation going on right now, and I'm probably going to have to sell my '82 Interstate. :crying: Not something I want to do - I just finished paying for it and installing an audio system!

For anyone not familiar with the story of this bike, here's the thread:

I'm not sure how much to ask for it...people here in LA seem to want something for nothing. Any suggestions? Anyone know a good mechanic/AC tech/body repair person who might want to trade?

It'll go up on Craigslist, and maybe Ebay, but I thought I'd start here.

An alternative would be to sell the fuel injected 1200 engine I got running - mounted on a stand. Here's it's story - starting on page 5, post 63:

I don't know if there would be any local interest in this engine or not. If I could get $500 or $600 for the complete setup, I might not need to sell the '82. Again - any suggestions?

Thanks, all!
Hope that you don't need to sell a bike, that being said you can only ride one at a time. Surely a good running EFI 1200 is worth $500-$600. I would suggest that you advertise every where and both items if you need to sell something as soon as possible. Good luck raising your cash soon. :yes:
Probably be easier and less of a loss (if any) to sell the 1200 engine rather then the 1100 bike, Seems the only way to get anything out of a wing is to part it out, not to say there isn't someone out there it is a matter of odds of finding him/her.
I think better odds of finding a buyer for a "see it run" 1200 engine.
steve the truth is your work is second to no one on the planet....there are bozos out there that 10 ,000 to 20,000 dollars out there just on a name ... humans can be really some of the dumbest creatures on earth to say the least ... those high dollar bikes would be hard pressed to as good as yours period....
Agreed! Put a $5,000 price on it and see if it sells. If I wanted a truly nice rebuild wing I'd pay that. I paid $2500 for the first one because it ran.
I'll admit, if I see an ad for an 1100 for $3,000 or more, it gets my interest. I know I can't buy it, but I gotta look. Unfortunately, they're usually worth about $800!

Hmmmm...maybe Jay Leno...

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