This is how you adress the nation concerning Russian agression

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May 25, 2013
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Ardmore Ok.

So far we got this.
How long do we have to wait for a presidential president.
Right you are! I'll be so glad when he's out of office. :help:

Benghazi, he's in Vegas collecting checks, this time he was somewhere else collecting checks(I forget at the moment). It all stems from his apology tour de force when he was elected. Poor handling of so many things, Fast and Furious, above mentioned Benghazi, IRS attacking conservative groups, immigration...BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA damn it Jeff! Now you've gone got me ranting and the NSA will shortly be reading every ******* word. :rant:

i never listen to the elite news is obvious that worse organized people in this conflict is the dictatorship of Ukraine ....its not even a elected gov ....common sense tells there was no advantage that Russia or the freedom fighters of Ukraine had in downing this plane .....the west or NATO who backs this the scum dictatorship gov of Ukraine is the only who could get mileage out of this horrific false flag event by trying to deface Russia and the Ukraine freedom fighter who have the backing of the people...

i hope Russia finds out whos responsible for this and kicks there sorry ass good for the people not the elite who would murder innocent people for headlines of the elite to try and give guilt to others......

id like for someone to come up with one oz of truth or evidence that Russia was involved ... there seems to be plenty of evidence of cover up by the Ukraine dictatorship ....

i for sure want who is truly responsible slaughtered ....i come from the school of its usually a lie that comes from the loudest

as for this president ... he the most unamerican person i have ever seen in power ... the puppet of the elite has done more harm to america in last 6 years than anyone on earth
Joe, things can get a little confusing out there so let me give you the skinny.
Ukraine in 1991 became a independent country, The government there since is a democracy.
The separatist as they call them are Russian loyalist supplied and backed by the Russian government.
These Russian loyalist are commanded by Russian military personnel,
In the case of specialized equipment like missile launchers are manned by trained Russian personnel(the only ones that know how to operate it).
The separatist(Russians)have shot down and bragged about 3 other Ukrainian aircraft brought down by their new missile launcher.
The same fella bragging about the other 3 shoot downs was caught on radio telling his Russian commander he just shot down a civilian aircraft.
The free and democratic elected government of Ukraine is calling for a full investigation of the shoot down of the plane over Ukraine by the Soviet missile.
The so called separatist(Russians) are keeping International aviation investigators away and have since taken their missile battery back into Russia(caught on video).
It is allot like how USSR flew Migs in Korea and Viet Nam and overseen their maneuvers. It is a war of proxy funded by Russia.
Bad guys in the world now have adopted the name "loyalist,separatists,freedom fighters"..This re-naming sounds better to the population and makes them seen in a better light but make no mistake, these are bad people.
It is a war by the Soviets using Russian military on Ukraine soil trying to take back Ukraine from the people of Ukraine and European union in order to make Russia a stronger country, just like the cold war era land grabs.
If Hitler was so subtle this way, he could have gotten away with it.
Hope that clears things up.
i am keeping up on all the claims out there ... truth is a stinger could take that jet down ... the people or seperatist are keeping the ukraines out ..its in there territory that would be true in all circles the parties would be involved in ... the democracy was thrown out in a coup agianst it it and the gov that there now was appointed not elected ... and they dont have the people at all ....there is no video ive seen yet ... just stories of one ... and why did the air traffic controllers devert this plane over the war zone ... this whole deal extremely smells bad ... the whole idea there pushing it take what russia has... to take this jet down is utter nonsense ... and there is nothing caught on radio except the freedom rable saying was ukraine dictatorship that must have shot the plane down ... there is also talk of fighter jets trailing the air liner too at the moment things just stink is the best that can be said
I`m not sure where it started exactly..Maybe it was "boxers or briefs" or maybe it was Lewinsky, white water,the lying to a grand jury but we have a whole new generation that has not had the pleasure of a formal honest US president and I fear never will.
These kids are voting and they only know Clinton and beyond and base their objectivity on these unscrupulous type means of governing.
That is my biggest fear, well that and that no one will come along to change it. I worry from here on it is just a game of power without any direction and no control by the majority of the US population, only lobbies and special interest money will be in control of our future.
It`s gonna come to a head sooner or later.
What about Watergate, the Iran Contra scandal, on and on and on... It didn't start with Clinton, and it's nothing new with Obama. Both parties are full of crooks and idiots. We haven't had a decent president in my lifetime. Maybe Eisenhower, but he had issues as well. We need another Lincoln.
[url= said:
Steve83 » Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:44 pm[/url]":23invbl6]
What about Watergate, the Iran Contra scandal, on and on and on... It didn't start with Clinton, and it's nothing new with Obama. Both parties are full of crooks and idiots. We haven't had a decent president in my lifetime. Maybe Eisenhower, but he had issues as well. We need another Lincoln.
I think it is true, not one will leave office without baggage, But Lincoln, he had a very corrupt cabinet..I stop just short of accusing the great one but during the civil war he gave positions of great influence to his political doners who in return robbed the country of tens of thousands of dollars meant for war efforts, and when caught were moved to other posts or re instated with a letter from him and still they continued to steal.
If you dig into that presidency you will find some real whoppers there, but he needed more then ever popular support and the funds to continue the war.
I think you were closer with Eisenhower.
As time passes , what we choose to remember is far and away from what happened.
yes is obvious that the demagods and the ******* unions ...cater to the foreign own federal reserve bank and also the foreign detb collectors of the IRS ... the economy has been great for the thieves for the past 100yrs they have done nothing but drain the economy and the country land ...citizens property ...freedoms and rights ... and is this biggest money making ponzi scheem on the planet ... the money they lend is valueless and created out of toilet paper ... these people have never done anything but make money by having all the rights like a dictatorship to control debt and collect interest and crush the american people ..and have done ... they own everything in secret holding ...all corporation and have made it where corporations have hiiden owners ... working people can compete with them as there money money comes from work and they just print it ...the price for all these powers absolutely nothing ... you cant have a great country in the realities of such a huge scam the worse on the planet ... the anti trust here is just undeniable ... the people want to everything about the guy living under a bridge ...but they dont want you to know or have access to anything about them .... the IRS scandal shows you that when americans try to get away from the left right combination punches of slaughter to america ...they go after them in the most ruthless ways ...since 1913 ..the mark of the final blow to america ...america died and is run by foreign people who sit back and blame americans for the dirty dirty wars and killing all over the world to spread there scum ways ... untill america get rid of this foreign occupation we are nothing but a tool for the most wicked
I feel a bit the same way Joe, I think Bush1 had the right idea kicking Hussein`s ass on back to Iraq but Bush 2 really screwed the pooch on toppling Hussein and invading that country.
We have had a string of politicians making poor descisions either in their foreign policy or domestic, sometimes both.
I am becoming an isolationist more and more , there is no hope for the world, they do not want a democracy so screw them.
Keep our dollars here at home, Fix and strengthen our immigration policy, Somehow get our cost of living in line with our income.
Build it here and go back to moderate import duties to encourage US production and employ as many US workers in all aspects of manufacturing, USGS shows 25 times the oil as what was previously thought right here under our feet, more then any country in the world in fact..Drill it here and screw the middle east.
Build ourselves back into the nation we once had, It wasn't perfect but a man could build himself up from nothing without a loan or government support.
End lobbying and special interest..It is impossible to run a campaign these days without being beholden to big money and special interests. The best man for the job never gets it because the big money trounces all over them with dimly lit commercials exaggerating their past or outright lying about them.
Lots of very qualified people out there do not have a squeaky clean past, we learn from our mistakes and if you find a clean past that means they hid their misdeeds very well.
I could go on and on, it`s a real mess and will require leadership from the top and a desire from us all. Meanwhile we are keeping busy with internet, smart phones, Apps,Television that tells/teaches us nothing ,working overtime to pay those bills, raising a family, and whatever else.
Perfect time for them to run a muck in Washington.

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