Classic Goldwings

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    • bunsteve
      bunsteve replied to the thread what did you do today.
      Replaced the starter solenoid and started her right up. Charging circuit good - 14v @ 2k rpm. Put her all back together and test ride...
    • bunsteve
      bunsteve replied to the thread what did you do today.
      That was May 4th. Yesterday I repaired the commutator wires, and when I went to start her, no dice. After some troubleshooting I figured...
    • bunsteve
      There are three of them. #1 Indian 4. Just want one ever since the first time I laid eyes on it. #2 Honda CBX. First one I saw, spring...
    • bunsteve
      bunsteve replied to the thread what did you do today.
      Fired the old girl up. She started right up, and the three yellow wires went up in smoke! Was thinking about selling anyhow. Make me an...
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