Recent content by dan filipi

Classic Goldwings

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  1. dan filipi

    Using Linux - Linux Mint Cinammon

    I've dabbled in Linux a few times, always come back to Windows and Mac because you gotta have a real clear head for Linux, especially the permissions and network drive mounting, which for my backup routines is a must. I suppose it can be fun as a hobby and not the primary machine I'd rely on. I...
  2. dan filipi

    New Guy Here, just rode in...

    Hey, you never said your horses name?! Welcome to the forum, Bud.
  3. dan filipi

    i'm back out riding

    Is the red line on the speedo the top speed?
  4. dan filipi


    It's a good looking seat. Hope it works out.
  5. dan filipi

    Chinese spark plug no good

    The second plug looks like a lot of the ground is gone.
  6. dan filipi

    Chinese spark plug no good

    Still good to know not to use them! Some sh*t metal I guess?
  7. dan filipi

    Idler pulley squeal ‘83I

    I say I wouldn't risk it but I probably would, short trips anyway. Nobody can say if they'll run another 1000 miles, but I've heard the belts make some noise in normal operation, especially if too tight. Have you spun the bearings to get a feel?
  8. dan filipi

    Final drive paste

    Here's an old thread with some recommendations.
  9. dan filipi

    Damn quiet around here!

    Glad you got that sorted out William!
  10. dan filipi

    Damn quiet around here!

    These posts are making me feel like a spring chicken! Glad most everyone is still riding!
  11. dan filipi

    Damn quiet around here!

    Good to hear Hanni is doing well. Did you and her get Vince's stuff cleaned out?
  12. dan filipi

    Damn quiet around here!

    Is claustrophobia in a full face a common thing? Its just weird it never used to bother me in the least.
  13. dan filipi

    Damn quiet around here!

    Well I've just been working as usual. Since I had my hip replaced a couple 3 years ago it's been hard to ride. Strangest thing too, I feel claustrophobic in a helmet, will need to get a 1/2 face I guess. I got WAY behind on house repairs. Just finished a new roof, rain gutters installed...
  14. dan filipi

    Shifter seal and lever support install.

    Thanks for posting your steps to get this installed. I'm sure it will help out someone eventually!
  15. dan filipi

    Plans for 2025?

    So sorry to hear Steve! Life is crazy but it can be cruel as hell too! I hope everyone is okay.