About plugs: I remembered an article written by Randakk - SPARK PLUG TRICKS, which adds more detail to this already well covered topic. I think it builds on the ideas about modifying spark plugs - do (IE. orientation, file electrode) and don't (IE. Split fire plugs). Here the link ...
I found an article that describes the difference between BSP and NPT threads and has comparison charts. If anyone is interested: https://www.valvesonline.com.au/references/threads/
I have a seized-up rear master cylinder and unfortunately, it got destroyed while I was tearing it down. Now I am checking Ebay and finding only other seized units with no one willing to open them, up and find out if they too are done for. I would buy a new one but I think this option is a long...
Got it . I know the place but I hadn't realized that their gaskets were that good, though the ad says so(THE BEST ON THE MARKET,PERFECT FIT!). But a recommendation from you is a better perspective, just ordered some. Thanks for quick reply...Ian
I am interested to know who makes the better carb gaskets, the "online they" is my question. For the most part, everyones goto has been Randakk (dime City). Most discussion I have seen point to Randakks with no real 2nd place honorable mentions. I know of K&L and Keyster with no one giving...
I am realizing that the Goldwings, great as they have been still are 45 plus year old. That means its hard to figure out a repair, its twice as hard to then try and find the parts. A simple pivot bolt can ruin the day.Thanks for the feedback...
I tried all things to remove the bolt that the clutch handle pivots on. When all else failed and the slot on the bolt head was almost destroyed, I applied heat and finally got the bolt to leave the handle. I replaced that bolt but the switch got ruined by the heat. Is that switch something that...
Hi, if you are going to read articles about starting after long storage, might suggest you google
Starting a Honda GL1000 after a Long Lay-up
February 21, 2019 By Randakk
I checked out the link in the reply from Dan Filipi(thank you) and it will serve me well. I don't need alot of parts for the moment so I have time to prep for as soon as the weather turns warm. IF it ever does...friggin cold in Eskimo land Toronto Ontario.
Hi, if you have the bucks, there is a tool for sale on Ebay (Honda GL1100 GL1200 GL1500 Gold Wing Swingarm Pivot Lock Nut Adjust Tool. HWT032 | eBay). Its expensive for what you get, but it is built to remove the lock nut so the allan key will be able to remove the center shaft/threaded axle...