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Classic Goldwings

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  1. zman

    Rabbit hole aka 1983 GL1100 Interstate "refresh" a bike that sat over four years.

    Carbs are clogged. Be sure and clean the idle circuits well and be sure all 4 accelerator pumps are working. Best to test the floats and accelerator pump on a bench before installing using a 4-5 foot high feed tank to mimic the 3 pounds of fuel pressure and work the throttle a bunch to prime and...
  2. zman

    Gl1100 “Commander

    Nice. Welcome to the forum.
  3. zman

    GL1100 streetfighter project

    Well done. I would try and upgrade the front end but if it works for now ride it.
  4. zman

    GL1100 "Black Rain"

    Looks Great. Are you thinking exhaust and front fender? The tail looks good and is one of the hardest finishes to do, The Kawasaki tail seems to fit well.
  5. zman

    New Member

    Welcome aboard, Nice old classic you have.
  6. zman

    what did you do today

    Sold my Goldwing Interstate 1100 It tough to see it ride off but the guy is an enthusiast and he will keep on loving it.
  7. zman

    I’ve always wanted a Goldwing! Dream realized!

    If I recall there is a notch when looking at the front of the headlight and a screw that comes out you shouldn't have to mess with the adjustment to change a bulb but someone check me on that I no longer have an 1100.
  8. zman

    Gl1200 starting issues

    Must be something else.
  9. zman

    Gl1200 starting issues

    Not sure if the spark plug caps have a resistor in them but the ones that do can fail and cause weak spark if you have a flat head screw slot inside the cap where the spark plug snaps into try pulling it out and check the resistors or just replace them with a piece of metal the same size.
  10. zman

    Gl1200 starting issues

    pull all the plugs and see if they are wet and smells like fuel shut the ignition off on the handlebars shut the fuel valve off and hit the start button and see if it spits fuel from the spark plug holes. Might have a float or more stuck flooding a cylinder.
  11. zman

    85 gl1200a coil supply mod

    I think on the 1200 it is under the faux tank.
  12. zman

    7 ‘wings for sale, $1,000 each!

    That will keep someone busy for awhile.
  13. zman

    New member, old rider

    Nice to hear. I wouldn't use those big road light unless they are LED`s the charging system is just good enough for the lights they have adding and high draw light puts a load on the system. Have a good ride.
  14. zman

    Funky clutch on the Green Ween...

    Good luck, I was thinking the same about the weather, hopefully we get a good while till the bitter cold comes.
  15. zman

    Rear brakes

    Sounds like the piston stuck up inside the master cylinder maybe try a few taps with a hammer and a wooden dowel or lightly with a punch.