took an 86 mile ride this morning out to Carlton, Mi. and stopped at my cousin's place. made a stop in Sumpter for a pic on the way. stopped for some breakfast on the way home

a few months ago i wanted to put a better front tire on it but the tire was too big. every time i tried to put the old tire back on it would trigger vertigo so my buddy took the IceBear to his shop and installed the tire, by then the brake pads had popped out to so he reinstalled them too. i just stopped in to hang out with the guy's for a few hours, i didn't know the bike was ready so we loaded it in the van and it was a good thing we did cause it started raining just as i pulled in front of my houseWhy didn't you ride it home William?
Wow, 96 and still riding!? Love it. There is hope for the rest of us.Went for a leaf peepin ride today only 113 mile but my riding buddy is 96 and that's all he can handle which in my books is quite alot for a 96 yr old. The leaves were really dull, but was still a good day for a ride for this time of year in N.Western, Pa.