Starter Problem

Classic Goldwings

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Jan 19, 2022
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Good Afternoon all you brilliant GL1000 owners. I am having some issues diagnosing a starter problem with my 75 GL1000. It all started back in Dec 2022, where i noticed she was struggling to turn over but would still start. In Jan 2023, she stopped starting all together, I initially thought it was the battery but when I tested it, it was reading 12.84vlt. I did a bit of googling and I think I even posted on here back then, and I thought is was the starter relay. I tested the original and it seemed fine but I replaced it anyway, but to no avail. Someone suggested that it could be the starter motor its self so after a lot of research and YouTubing I decided to have a go at rebuilding the starter. I finally got around to doing it yesterday. got it all cleaned up, lubed up and back together, tested it and it purred like a kitten. I thought great, problem solved. WRONG. I got it back in the bike, put the fully charged battery back in it, tuned the key, hit the starter,click,click. starter motor wouldn't turn. I am at my wits end with this. not only will it not start with elec start but I can't get it to kick start either. I am pretty handy when it comes to these sort of things but this one has me stumped. I really want to get this bike back up and running. Does anyone have any clue where I go next? your advice is greatly appreciated.
Check your battery voltage while cranking. That's the voltage you want to know, first. If battery voltage gets much below 11 volts, it may not spin fast enough, or fire off. Check the ground connection from the battery to the frame/engine casing, and make sure it is clean on both ends. If the starter is clicking, that means the solenoid is sending voltage to it....just might not be enough to spin the starter. Can you turn the engine by hand?
Check your battery voltage while cranking. That's the voltage you want to know, first. If battery voltage gets much below 11 volts, it may not spin fast enough, or fire off. Check the ground connection from the battery to the frame/engine casing, and make sure it is clean on both ends. If the starter is clicking, that means the solenoid is sending voltage to it....just might not be enough to spin the starter. Can you turn the engine by hand?
Well, that did the trick, turns out the battery (after sitting for 18months) was no good. I did what you suggested and tested while cranking and the volts dropped from 12.8vlts to 6vlts. no wonder it wouldn't turn over. Thank you for your assistance AApple. it is greatly appreciated. now the old girl is clean and shiny again and running like a dream.