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Classic Goldwings

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  1. joedrum

    Are '76 and '77 carbs fully interchangeable

    For the most part they ate the same ..I'd say buy it could actually compare parts in thinking the needle and main jet are a bit different and double switched ..if carb look good I think I'd use it parts it came with
  2. joedrum

    85 Goldwing

    Welcome to classic
  3. joedrum

    Rear end wiggle.

  4. joedrum

    Got a new project...find a bike ready to ride in Florida.

    Hmmm I know of a nice bike in Fla. But that seems to be not the plan ...nice 82 basically stock
  5. joedrum

    I’m back at the meet and greet spot of years back

    To bad ...I am down here in Fla finally with a bus to convert and I guess the building is still empty the doghouse and the greyhound never got together ..I'm on the process now of redoing the bus the open lol ...been lucky temps have down so not to bad yet ...I will try to post pics...
  6. joedrum

    single or double carb conversion

    Can't figure out how to edit ..icing will not be a issie
  7. joedrum

    single or double carb conversion

    Lol Dave ...there's no doubt stock carbs and single carbs are a problem to get right ...heat is a bandaid to a carb that won't dial in good ...or basically a rich carb ..if the carb is dial in good icing will be a issue on a oldwIng the runners are not that long ...but where runners get longer...
  8. joedrum

    Aussiegold is no longer with us.

    Very sad to hear this from Dan some time ago ...his bike was a super retro most of us can't produce ...well certainly not me any way RIP...
  9. joedrum

    wow randakks is selling everything out in an auction

    I had plenty to say about this self chosen guru of the know it all full of BS IT GOT DELETED ...some of his statements and his attitude only goes to those who believe in the science fiction twilight zone of reality..that's my opinion ....the real guru of oldwings was Octane the founder of NGW forums
  10. joedrum

    Motorycle For Sale The CBX is FOR SALE

    Sorry to hear your having health issues Darrel seems bike didn't last long on sale to ya
  11. joedrum

    Electrical puzzel

    Good deal
  12. joedrum

    K&l carb needles and seats

    My friend JP WINGER used them and his bile seems fine .. You just can't mix parts up my opinion don't use old seats and new needles sure Honda stuff great but you can't get it ...randakks supplied nothing along these lines of parts ...all depends on what racks you are dealing with ....
  13. joedrum

    what did you do today

    Yes those were very nice looking too...
  14. joedrum


    Yah I know the feeling ..I've been working months on my vette a job I thought might take less than a week ..every move been like threading a needle with you toes blindfolded ...mines a keeper so I will see it through ...I just love the car and with the top down its my 4 wheel bike
  15. joedrum

    what did you do today

    Best looking mustang ever
  16. joedrum

    1987 gl1200 w/ 17k seized?

    I agree ...
  17. joedrum

    1987 gl1200 w/ 17k seized?

    Soinds good to good
  18. joedrum

    Gettin to relearn these.

    Yep what a great post of how it is ...good luck on the oldwing 4...
  19. joedrum

    My 1st. Goldwing... My 3rd. Vintage Rebuild

    Great work ...I think you are about all you can from the carb you have ...the oldwing rev range out classes VW carb I think with this set up MPG is below 40 ...nice work SCC club here ..Dan can get it done ....again nice work
  20. joedrum

    GL1200 Engine Rebuild - Part 5 - Post Getting To The Road

    Looks handy and looks to work by hand power ?