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  1. who444444

    ianstaley's single build with VW plenum and Weber 32/32 dft

    Thanks for the info. I was hoping to find just the ring as that was what I damaged, but I kinda glued it back for now. :whistling: dave
  2. who444444

    ianstaley's single build with VW plenum and Weber 32/32 dft

    one more question regarding gauge. where did you come by the bezel (?) piece that holds the two halves of your gauge together? thanks, dave
  3. who444444

    about to mount first try at single carb setup

    Just another quick update. Put about six tanks of fuel through my bike and mpg overall average is 35mpg. Have taken my wife on a couple rides and no issues with takeoffs from stop regarding bogging or flat spots. All good, she loves the smooth ride and I know it's going to start without cranking...
  4. who444444

    ianstaley's single build with VW plenum and Weber 32/32 dft

    sorry if I missed it earlier, but where or how did you get the white face on guage? dave
  5. who444444

    hooch getting a new fuel source

    I went out and measured, my air filter is 2 1/2 inch tall and my adapter is 1/8 inch plate. Oh and now I remember , I had to drill hole in bottom of glove compartment for air filter bolt to clear but not wingnut it's that close. I had already forgot :doh: dave
  6. who444444

    hooch getting a new fuel source

    sounds good joe. I didn't even try mine without tower, but on my 76 wing I can use short air filter and still fit my glove compartment in above carb. Is your year wing different as far as spacing in false gas tank area? Just curious. dave
  7. who444444

    resistor for ignition

    no resistors in wire caps either. running points for now. I'll try not to get too close to people with pacemakers? dave
  8. who444444

    resistor for ignition

    sorry, one more ignition question. I'm running 3 ohm ( i think ) green dyna coils with no resistor, solid core wires no resistor, and non resistor plugs. Is this cool or will I run into problems? I'm not sure, any advice would be welcomed. thanks dave
  9. who444444

    dyna s or points?

    I know a c5 system would be great but I can only afford a dyna s system. I have run the green dyna coils for a long time now. Any opinions on the dyna s as opposed to getting new points and condenser? thanks, dave
  10. who444444

    pics of the inside of tachometer

    +1 on Aapple's post dan. much better info than I could give you. Now I know what and how it works. lol dave
  11. who444444

    pics of the inside of tachometer

    I had the screaming tach problem and lube was not fixing it. so I took it apart to see what was up. I thought I would find gears and such but no, just a revolving disc using magnetic induction? or? whatever I see the only thing that could be making the noise was the bushing the shaft with disc...
  12. who444444

    ianstaley's single build with VW plenum and Weber 32/32 dft

    as thick as they have for carb mine was only 1/32 inch rubber-fibre , sold in sheet or small roll. worked fine but only single use. no sealer needed for me. my type 4 plenum has 5/16 coarse thread holes. they may not be all the same though as I think more than one company makes them. dave
  13. who444444

    ianstaley's single build with VW plenum and Weber 32/32 dft

    idk about part number. I just cut one out from sheet of carb gasket material you can get from autoparts store. That way when you remove for some reason you just cut a fresh one for reinstall. dave
  14. who444444

    hooch getting a new fuel source

    cool, didn't know the 1200 had those thingies. each different gl has things that help or hinder our projects. dave
  15. who444444

    hooch getting a new fuel source

    Might not have to drill. just a pointy setscrew and sorta pinch it against the pipe?
  16. who444444

    hooch getting a new fuel source

    How about using the threaded hole already in the collar replace existing screw with set screw and run in tight against tube to hold it. dave
  17. who444444

    about to mount first try at single carb setup

    Thank you for compliment. I have to remove bottom of fairing for oil change. 5 minutes. 2 nuts on front of lower section and 3 ea pop rivets each side. I just drill them out and put new ones in when done. It slides out without lifting front end or any thing else. Remember pictures always look...
  18. who444444

    about to mount first try at single carb setup

    Another ride update. Bike was feeling good so I thought it deserved an oil and filter change. So, change oil and filter and lube cables clutch and throttle. Might as well check timing belts. I did it without removing radiator but what a pain (never again). went riding and a couple of times bike...
  19. who444444

    hooch getting a new fuel source

    That' a great idea Joe! I wish I had thought of that when I did mine Instead of just mounting mine on top of cutoff flange. Super clean look and good function. :good: dave