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Classic Goldwings

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  1. dan filipi

    Damn quiet around here!

    Well I've just been working as usual. Since I had my hip replaced a couple 3 years ago it's been hard to ride. Strangest thing too, I feel claustrophobic in a helmet, will need to get a 1/2 face I guess. I got WAY behind on house repairs. Just finished a new roof, rain gutters installed...
  2. dan filipi

    Say it isn’t so!!

    The moon is moving away from the Earth 1 inch per year, so Earthlings will no longer be able to see a lunar eclipse in 300 million years. Damn, Guess we can’t have everything! What have you heard today?
  3. dan filipi

    4th of July!

    Happy Independence Day everyone!! God Bless the USA!
  4. dan filipi

    Happy Fathers Day!

    My kids are taking me out to lunch. It’s so hard to get them all in place at the same time so it will be a very special day for me!
  5. dan filipi

    Joe's new ride

    Posting the pics for Joedrum, he will explain.
  6. dan filipi

    LED oil level light

    A guy on the KLR forum I read put an LED light in the case to make seeing oil level easier. If anyone does it to an pics!
  7. dan filipi

    Selling my ‘83 GL 1100 Interstate.

    Yes you read right.... selling my old mule. She’s been a real work horse for experimenting and modding but I’ve lost interest in that now. I don’t have space or interest anymore so I’m taking offers. The 84 1200 motor is good mechanically and probably the most valuable part on the bike next...
  8. dan filipi

    Is global warming a scam?

  9. dan filipi

    Show off your bike

    It’s okay to be proud of an achievement. Mine is running the 2 barrel dft in this video.
  10. dan filipi

    Test topic

    Test topic using Tapatalk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. dan filipi

    Did forum close up shop? Very unfortunate if they did. A lot of good information was there.
  12. dan filipi

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Wife and I heading to her folks soon. Unfortunately my 3 kids are all working today so they won’t be with us, but it’s fortunate they ARE working. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  13. dan filipi

    Nice to see "auto-prune" is working

    The For Sale forum Auto Prune feature is working now. If you had a For Sale or Wanted thread in this forum that has been pruned away but want, you'll need to recreate it. Thank you, and have a nice evening :salute:
  14. dan filipi

    New Owners Manual- 1987 GL1200 Aspencade Owners Manual

    Thanks to contribution form OldCrow, I have just completed upload of the factory 1987 GL1200 Aspencade Owners Manual! Enjoy....and Thank you for your contribution, OldCrow! (Click the pic for full album)
  15. dan filipi

    For your reading and nostalgia enjoyment

    Cycle Illustrated, Nov. 1975- 2 Big Ones From Honda Submitted by MC Madness for upload to our gallery. Thank you, MC! (Click the pic for full article)
  16. dan filipi

    Slabghost (Vince’s) wife

    As you may or may not know, Vince (one of our moderators) passed away in December. His wife is having a hard time and needs to start cleaning up the place of vehicles and all the parts he has collected over the years. She doesn’t know the value of these things or what many of these parts are...
  17. dan filipi

    Happy Thanksgiving from CGW

    Thanks going out to everyone for your support this past year and years before. Our members make the forum, and you guys and gals are the best!
  18. dan filipi

    The Duc

    I was asked a few weeks back to post some pics of my sons 2018 Ducati Panigale V4 S. This thing is insanely fast. We thought the BMW S1000RR was quick.....Ducati so much better with vastly more lower end torque and exceptionally linear throttle. I might post a video of him in the twisties
  19. dan filipi

    Happy Fathers Day

    To all the Dads out there, enjoy your special day!
  20. dan filipi

    “Two Wheels” magazine 1975. “The Future Takes Shape”

    A fun read from 1975 about the new GL1000. Thanks out to Aussiegold for the contribution! (Click the image)