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Classic Goldwings

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  1. Workinman

    Neutral switch...

    I’m trying to replace my bad neutral switch (WHY didn’t I check this thing when I had the motor out?) and the manual says to flex the frame two millimeters to get the oil screen cover off and to get the switch out of the block. Well, two millimeters ain’t much, and assuming I can flex the frame...
  2. Workinman

    Left over parts...

    Can anybody tell me where these go? I don’t remember, I don’t seem to have any pictures of them on the bike, and I can’t find them on any parts lists. I’m baffled.
  3. Workinman

    Pics of 77 restoration

    I’m not overly happy with these pictures but I’ll go ahead and post them. I noticed when I went to move the bike this morning that my fuel pump is leaking out the weep hole. It’s a never ending process... I threw a couple of BEFORE pictures in just to show where I started. Anyway, here’s my project.
  4. Workinman

    1977 restoration just about done

    I bought this Wing back in April. It had been sitting for at least 25 years. When I found it it was sitting in a horse stable. A little rough... some parts missing... but basically it was all there and hadn’t been messed with too bad. I have now done a complete restoration on it and it’s down to...
  5. Workinman

    Original mirrors...

    Okay guys, I need the help of you purists again. Finishing up my restoration I installed the mirrors that were on the bike when I got it. After I installed, I noticed that one has a longer set back than the other. I’m assuming this is not the way they came from the factory. It’s been so long...
  6. Workinman

    Negative battery cable

    Can someone with an original Wing please tell me where your negative battery cable attaches to the frame? Mine was attached to the outside of the upper engine mount and I’m quite sure that is not where it’s supposed to be. Thanks, Chris
  7. Workinman

    Wanted-75-77 exhaust manifolds

    I am in need of both exhaust manifolds for the restoration I’m doing. Mine are kind of eaten up where they attach to the muffler and I’m not a good enough welder to attempt a repair. Does anybody have a set of these sitting around they would like to get rid of? Anybody but the REPOGUY...
  8. Workinman

    Front master cylinder piston

    I’m trying to rebuild the brakes on the 77 I’m restoring and I cannot seem to get the piston out of the front master cylinder. I’ve removed the rubber boot and the small clip that holds the boot in, but I can find NOTHING holding the piston in the cylinder. There should be a circlip holding it...
  9. Workinman

    Trick to clutch lifter plate? Anyone?

    Okay guys, I’m replacing the clutch on my 77 during its restoration, and I’ve cracked TWO lifter plates putting it back together. I’m putting in new plates and springs but everything else is original. I cracked the first lifter plate cuz I wasn’t being very careful. From what I hear they are...
  10. Workinman

    Anybody a fan of the movie WHAT ABOUT BOB ?

    If you are a fan of the Bill Murray/Richard Dreyfus film, like I am, you might be interested in my ride yesterday. (Not on a Wing, as mine is not done yet...) I rode up into Virginia to find the general store/bus station that was in the movie, and possibly the house used in the movie. I found...
  11. Workinman

    GL1000 Front Seat Bracket

    Hey guys, I am in need of the bracket that holds down the front of the seat on an early GL1000. It is kind of a C shaped thing that bolts from one side of the frame to the other. Mine is totally missing and PO says he doesn’t know where it went. The Honda part number is 50250-371-000. With all...
  12. Workinman

    BROWN seat cover for 77 or 76 LTD

    I ordered a set cover off of eBay and it turned out to be brown instead of black. I didn’t want brown, so rather than send it back I just decided to see if anybody here would like it. It’s a nice seat cover and will fit the 76 LTD or the 77 Wings with the stepped seat. I paid sixty something for...
  13. Workinman

    Subframe/side stand welds...

    I’m just curious here... the area where my side stand mount is welded to the subframe looks like it was welded by a twelve year old. It seems to have been working okay, and I’m sure the average Joe isn’t ever going to look down there, but is this REALLY Honda’s work? Does anybody else have a...
  14. Workinman

    Shelter top decal...

    Hey guys, Has anyone found a decent source for the GL1000 decal surrounding the fuel gauge? I’ve ordered two now,(Ebay) both of which claimed to be “exactly like the original”, and they are both WAY OFF. Nothing more than fancy decals. I scratched the original removing it for paint and now I...
  15. Workinman

    Engine paint...

    Does anybody have a recommendation for engine paint? I would like to stick as close to possible to the original color, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. I usually order my paint through Summit Racing but all they seem to have is silver metallic. Thanks, Chris
  16. Workinman

    75 to 77 seat styles

    I have noticed, or I THINK I have noticed, that there are two different seat styles on the early Wings. If I’m not mistaken, the 75 and 76 had a flat seat and the 77 had a bit of a stepped seat. The 77 also appears to have an additional chrome accent piece on the back of the seat that the...
  17. Workinman

    U joint circlip / pulling engine

    Hey guys, I’m pulling the engine out of my 77 and I’ve got it ready to come out. The engine is basically flopping around in the frame except for the rear lower engine mount won’t clear the frame brackets and I CANNOT find the circlip on the forward end of the driveshaft. The photos in my service...
  18. Workinman

    New Member with an old Wing

    Hello. Thought I would jump right in and maybe introduce myself a little. I’m recently retired, live in Winston Salem, NC and just purchased a “Barn find” 77 Wing. I actually worked for Honda in the mid/late 70’s and rode/serviced these fine motorcycles when they were new. I always wanted one...