I am thankful for all of the men and women that have willingly served our Country to defend our freedom. This forum is no exception! The free of speech we have and the ability to "speak our mind" came at the price of so many lives! We should never take our freedom for granted! I personally know so many people in other countries under severe persection and even death for disagreeing with their government or their government's religious laws, watched their communications get cut when they even typed something disagreeable and dare not rise up for fear of death. It is very real while we can view all of this from comfort of our homes.
We are a blessed Nation (Thank you God!) and I am extremely thankful to the many Veterans that are on this site! My personal thank you for your service is not enough! In my opinion, the best thank you is to continuously teach our children and grandchildren how and why these fine men and women chose to protect us and to always be respectful and never take our freedom for granted!
:thanks: :thank_you: :clapping: